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Hi guys,

First things first. Welcome To Erosland v0.0.2 is coming out this May! We will try to release it in mid-month, but it may come in the second half of the month.

We are very happy with the first release, but we know it lacked content. All the work went to the base of the game like backgrounds, UI, etc. This next one will have three full scenes with a lot of other things! This will be the usual update releasing time frame. Around one and a half months/two months.

About Raven's Quest.

Some of you have asked us if we will continue updating Raven's Quest. Yes, we will. We released the last main story update before releasing Welcome To Erosland, and we paused the releases while we are working in our new game, but that doesn't mean that we won't be updating it anymore. Although, don't expect big updates. We will be updating Raven's Quest with new outfits and small events (some of them maybe commissioned by high Patrons) and bug fixes.

Change in currency.

We also wanted to be transparent and touch on this subject a bit. When we first created Patreon, there was only the option of getting our earning in Dollars. We use Euros, so we depended on how well the currency of another country was doing. Since then, Patreon added an option to change our currency, so we have changed to Euros. That will mean that the prices will be slightly higher, since the Dollar has been on the floor for the last year (pandemic problems).

Having our earnings in our country's currency have a lot more sense, so we are much more comfortable and don't need to depend on the market. (At least as much)



Will RQ get updates on the regular or will it be sporadic?


It will depen on the work load we have in that moment. They won't be either regular or sporadic I would say. Sometimes, we will be releasing RQ's updates every month even, others may take longer.