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Heya, guys!

We're getting close to the first release for our new upcoming game, Welcome to Erosland. 

We will start releasing sneak peaks of the game every week or so until the release! The first one is the main map.

This is where all the initial action will take place. Our protagonist will find the abandoned park with no other buildings than the canteen. The player will be able to build new ones as the game progresses. A canteen will be the first workplace for our first girl, DVA.

We plan on doing more maps after the attractions of the first one are built! 

Chica has been outdoing herself on the art of this game, and we're really excited to show you how will it look like~! 

This is only the map, but a lot of art is coming this next month, stay tuned. ; )

We know we're taking our time with this game, but we want it to be as polished as a two people team can. The first release is coming soon, though!

As we said, stay tuned, this next days are going to be awesome~!





Have we got an ETA on when we will get more? I love your games and have been eagerly waiting for an update on erosland since I heard about it.


We can't give an exact date, yet, but we hope its ready in the next 2 or 3 months >_< It's a lot more work than we thought at first hand!