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                              Hello guys and Merry Christmas!

Within the next week, we will release the 'last' update of The Wind's Disciple for 10$ patrons. (There will be more, although our focus will be fully on our new game) After that, we will begin a new year, literally and professionally. 

This last year has been awesome, especially thanks to you, guys. You showed us a lot of support and we could've delivered a lot more, that's why we will be doing some changes within January.
Our new game is a big improvement in our eyes. We've learned. And we will be implementing a lot of new features. We can advance that we will leave behind the "visual novel" thing and we will focus on making a game as much customizable as we can. (We will make a post about this new game soon-tm).

Wish you all have happy holidays!

Pixel Games.



I know this is a weird request but whatever you do next, improve on the flow of the story. It felt a little bit rushed but other than that, it was great! And backgrounds! Those are important! Happy holidays ^^


I hope it's not an RPG maker game. Those are dime a dozen and they all look the same with a few exceptions.

Nikolaj K.

Agreed. They are by default hard to differentiate, and thats very bad for a game thats high on visual aspects

Angel Girl

Last update as in it will be officially released?


It has been quite a ride, thank you for all your hard work :)

Hansbert Emmer

Are you going to finish the story in this update? It seemed like you still had quite a lot planned and one update seems too little to implement so much.


Yes, totally! That's one of our main things to work on for the next one. Thank you. <3


Yes, sure. In a few days we will announce the exact day for the release.


We will finish the main story of the game. We will probably make some "last touches" on some other things in upcoming little updates, but we feel that we can't "squeeze" TWD anymore, and that it is time to move forward.

Oh Hey There

The game was amazing, too bad there wasn't more of Jinx :(


Sad to see it done, really enjoyed the game

Nasi Bungkus

Anyway not to leave for the android platform hehehe 👍


I still have that exception error on android and im using the version 8 by the way


Hi Dizo! I went through the whole game and everything went good. I don't know if you're the person who talked to me in my tumblr (I guess so, since you're saying you 'still' have) I will try to make a small fix to that specific error, but make sure to launch the game on another phone and see if it happens, too.


Wow, I'm glad that I didn't touch TWD since version 0.6, with the final release I'll probably have a lot of new content :3 Keep up the great work guys :)


Sorry to be a bit late, guys. We're making some final touches. We're going to upload it for 10$ by the latest, in the next 48 hours.


Can you send us a PM so we can discuss it? :)


Oh, no problem, didn't know It was mandatory. Send us an email to pixelgamesx@gmail.com!


When will you publish it?


Will it be available only for 10$ patreons or for everyone?


When will it be release for public?


is the finale finale?? i mean is all over after this? and also, for me the not money people is coming next mount??


It's the story finale, yes. There will be more content from the 50$ patrons and maybe some improvements. :)


wooooo i am poor, tyvm i think i see you next mount


Hype is real Any idea when today it will be released?