News for the future. (Patreon)
First, as you may know, Patreon has lately updated their policy about adult content, so we will make some changes on how to address especially, the release of the public versions. We've created a blog (that will share soon) where we will post the links of the last versions of our games. As for the previews, there shouldn't be any problem, as they're for only patrons and they're behind a "pay-wall". We will post more previews than we've done lately (more of this below). Although, we encourage you to follow both of our tumblrs and this new blog, especially if you aren't a patron!
Second, we will soon change a bit the rewards. For example, 25$+ patrons will now see most of the sketches and WIPs of Chica's work for the upcoming version and will see some of her UNIQUE works that didn't appear into the game. We will add a new tier pledge of 15$. There are two reasons behind that; we will start doing a lot of polls after the new game is announced, that will heavily impact on what we will do next (moved from 10$ tier); Now, this tier will also receive the art of the last update in HQ. 10$+ patrons will receive the game 8 days before the public release.
Third, we're opening a Discord Server! Soon, you will be able to join us in our Pixel Games Discord as long as you're a patron. We will post links and images in the server so each tier can see them without the necessity of opening Patreon.
Last but not least, as we said some time ago, this next update will be the last one for The Wind's Disciple. That doesn't mean we will abandon The Wind's Disciple, in fact, every 50$ patron will be able to get a scene in the game, so expect some "DLCs". All free. We're not EA.
Everything of this will come within the next weeks while, of course, we work on the "The Wind's Disciple" finale.
If you have any concern, criticism or comment about anything, post it down below and we will answer as soon as we can!