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 Hi guys!

Here you go. ;)

Changelog v0.6:

- Continue with the story after meeting a few times with Graves! 

- New outfit for Janna!

- New place in the tavern (Door -- Back alley)

- Janna can now prostitute herself in the back alley of the tavern.

- Tons of new dialogues and scenes while working as a prostitute!

- After renting a room in the tavern, Janna can now look around the at night.

- New dialogue with Katarina that unlocks scenes with her!

- Janna can now get dirty with cum (new dialogues in the shower depending on which part of her body has cum) (WIP)

- New dialogue with Ronald after Janna has her new outfit.

- Changed several parts of the dialogue with the people of Zaun to better line up with story.




This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank both you! I love you!


May I ask when you'll be having the latest apk out for the update?


Having trouble getting the update to install could you post an actual link like you did for the .rar?


For the.apk


What's exactly your problem? There are two links. One link directly to MEGA and one with goo.gl.


My phone can't access the apk link

Dennis Van Hout

bugreport: -When entering the backalley with graves after buying the new outfit, he says that Janna isn't wearing underwear, but the visual still displays underwear. -When talking to Ron, the option Talk and Sex give the same result.


We know about the first bug, fixed for the next version as it isn't gamebreaking. The second one is intended :P Thank you!


mega is asking for decryption key, where is it


The decryption key is on the link itself, are you sure you're copying it all? It's working for me. If not, use the goo.gl link.


for some reason the links didn't work in firefox, they work in chrome


for some reason the links didn't work in firefox, they work in chrome


I'm getting the same error message on the new APK link.


It's working for me and some other people. Have you deleted the old app completely?


There is a bug where you return to the city hall (or garden?) when you are wearing the slut outfit and try to go see Warwick in the sewers.


That's what I needed to do. New to this world. Thanks!


To clarify, just in case: When you try to work in the sewers (time is money) while wearing the slut outfit and try to go see Warwick, it sends you back to Sue where you get paid and go to the shower (or not, hope you add dirtiness soon btw ^^). Speaking of which, I have a suggestion: how about you treat household objects like showers or washing machines as something completely normal and leave the "magic" out. It might still be 'magical' but explaining that would require the people in universe to already know about the 'normal' variant of said items. Lastly, why is Graves wearing no top when he is outside with Janna? She is still mostly dressed so why is Graves (seemingly) naked? Just something minor but still wanted to ask. Thank you as always for your hard work. I am really looking forward to the next update and of course the finished game!


Thanks for the suggestions, I''ll keep them in mind! I'll fix this bug for the next update. >_< And we don't know about the Graves thing, it just went that way, we could rethink it, though. :P


In the Wardrobe screen the slut outfit appears purple but it is more red in the rest of the game. Is it just lighting?


Also I have noticed that characters say "good night" as a greeting. This should be 'good evening' as 'good night' is usually what you say as you're leaving. Your english is very good for non-native speakers, the issues are mostly with small things like this.


People of British culture use Good Night as a greeting. Places like recent former colonies, etc...


Yes, you're right, although it may be more of a lightning issue. We will change it a bit for the next update.


Good night is what you say as you leave not as a greeting.


i can't have gotten the new outfit but the new dialog with ron is not available for me for some reason !! and i can't seem to find how to get janna dirty with cum


There are several typos in the scene right after Janna receives her Sexy Secretary outfit from Sue


Specifically around the parts right before and during and after Sue enters her waking wet dream


Oh, okay! >_< I'll try to fix them all for the next update. Thank you!


I'm a flipping grammar nazi, and would be willing to help edit your game for free. Sadly, I don't know coding so I wouldn't be able to decrypt the file, but if you give me the transcript I'll make it perfect!


Very nice