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The bedroom was humid enough to fog up Futaba's glasses, and her attempts at wiping it only dirtied it more and more, making her strain her eyes to watch all the content flashing through her five different screens. The room was lit up with an iridescence of colors, erotic videos flashing across the monitors, each screen filled with a different, deplorable smutfest.

The only constant screen was the one hooked up to a camera right beneath Futaba's desk, which showed the girl's own cock up close. 

It was just monstrous, nearly as long as her thigh and thicker than her bicep. Its tip glistened with a translucent white fluid, oozing and leaking from its swollen tip and down her shaft. The sound of her hand furiously stroking up and down her length echoed off the walls, creating a lewd symphony of onanism, drowning out the spinning and clicking of all the porn-filled hard drives she had in her private server.

Her hands were coated in so much of her juices that she could barely grip herself anymore, her hands sliding across herself with ease. The warmth of her hands around her pulsing shaft sent shivers up her spine, and the subtle sensation of her foreskin slipping back and forth over the sensitive, engorged tip heightened her arousal.

Despite how loose and stretched her skin was from constant, daily masturbation, Futaba couldn't peel her foreskin all the way back and expose the most sensitive part of her. Every time she tugged and twisted on her veiny shaft, her loose foreskin caught on the ridge of her mushroom-shaped tip and pulled back just a bit before bunching up again around her urethra.

Underneath that, there were the girl's balls. Fist-sized, hairless and smooth. They hung low, sagging under the weight of their swollen, unspent seed, resting upon her gaming chair's faux leather and covering it in sweat. 

And despite all those filthy depictions of debauched smut, her current obsession was playing on her main screen.

It was a poorly shot and badly lit video taken in a rundown public restroom.

"C'mon, do it before anyone comes in!" giggled the camerawoman, the recording shaking with her excitement. The video's subject laughed, her face cut off by the top of the frame. Her slender silhouette was indistinct, covered by a dark coat, a cream skirt and black leggings, only her pink lips and long blond hair in sight.

The elf thing is dead, long live the elf thing.

Unfortunately, I had to drop Forced Fiendish Fertilization Fiasco for now. It ended up becoming a bit too big and ambitious for a project that was supposed to be a simpler endeavor. While I love the characters, the world and the beats I had planned for them, I just didn't manage to synthetize anything I deemed good enough for release.

The main problems I had was getting a first chapter that had a good balance between plot and smut that would also hold people's attention for the rest of the story. It's something I'll leave simmering for now, and most likely come back later.

That being said, while browsing some of my old work to retweet on Twitter, I realized I could still use a lot of the concepts from The Elf Thing but in a more concise story with a smaller scope, and that's what I'm doing. The best thing about it is that I already have the perfect first chapter, which is more than halfway done AND it also features an elf.

While I let Forced Fiendish Fertilization Fiasco rest, it's time to get into Debauched Deep Dungeon Divers.

February was ok, but I feel like I was still finding my way back into writing regularly, so let's see if we can make March even better. I still have work to catch up to, so I'll work even harder.

A big thank you to everyone who stuck around even after the downsizing. I have mentioned this multiple times now, but I would have probably dropped writing altogether if not by your continued support. I hope I can keep providing the good stuff you all appreciate.

I'll keep focusing on my backlog while using The Elf Thing to experiment around, and I hope everyone ends up enjoying the final result.

Thank you very much for your support, I'll see y'all next week. 


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