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(Again one day late because I'm often helping family on Sundays, sorry!)

The next thing Panam remembered was the dry smell of ammonia and isopropyl alcohol.

“Heeey, sweetie, are you up now or what?”

The sound was almost poisonously sweet.

Her eyes were blasted by a spotlight, her body jolting awake.


Her heavy eyes took a second to realize the light came from a hub of surgical lights right above her, cold and sterile.

“Oh, darling, I am sure glad you’re up again, for a second I though I would have to dial up the TTI…”

The velvet-coated, feminine voice belonged to a person standing right next to her, now finally pushing the array of lights away from her view.

Despite the pristine white lab coat, his other garments weren’t all too professional. As he pulled the black latex gloves from his hands, Panam could finally get a full view of him. His chest was bare outside of the fishnet top that did nothing to conceal his pale skin, a pattern that was repeated on his stockings. Thankfully, his crotch didn’t follow his chest’s pattern and was covered, but the tight leather shorts hugged him a bit too tightly, squishing some of the extra plump on his otherwise thin profile.

Despite the pristine white lab coat, his other garments weren’t all too professional. As he pulled the black latex gloves from his hands, Panam could finally get a full view of him. His chest was bare outside of the fishnet top that did nothing to conceal his pale skin, a pattern that was repeated on his stockings. Thankfully, his crotch didn’t follow his chest’s pattern and was covered, but the tight leather shorts hugged him a bit too tightly, squishing some of the extra plump on his otherwise thin profile.

“C’mon now, can you follow this?” he said, lifting one delicately manicured finger and waving it in front of Panam. His long hair was intensely blond, with a single lock dyed in a glaring cyan. His eyes were equally as blue, a sharp look made even stronger by deep eyeshadow.

“Alright, vitals seem stable enough, too… Kinda had to give you a triple dose of adrenaline to get you going again, but I’m surprised you’re even up at all considering your blood test made even my hardware chug, and we’re talking about primo Arasaka Medical shit, ya know?” he continued with a giggle “Not sure if you have a speech impediment or what, but since you seem to understand what I’m saying, I’m gonna go straight to the point…”

“Your friend, the one with the tattoos, said she would do me some… favors if I fixed her up, but she’s been passed out for a while, so… How about you pay up instead, huh?”

Unfortunately, I've had a very busy week so I only have two minor updates for this newsletter:

1. Today's preview comes from the last section of the next chapter in the Filth and Loathing in Night City, so if you're excited to read about Judy and Panam's debauched adventures, sit tight, we're almost there. Been a while since I wrote a femboy character, too, so that's something new for most of my audience.

2. I'm collaborating with an artist I really appreciate on a comic! I can't give any juicy details yet, but the last picture might give you a hint about the main character.

No fun stuff this week. Sadly, I was a bit too exhausted to do anything relevant aside of rewatching some Parks & Rec episodes. I'll see y'all next time, folks. Thank you again for the continued support!


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