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(A Sunday Funday released on a Sunday, what a concept, huh?)

Dracobloods (not to be confused with zoahumes) are a humanoid subspecies that trace their lineage to a union between a dragon and any other humanoid subspecies.

Dracobloods aren’t well studied or cataloged due to their very unique characteristics:

1. Unlike zoahumes, the visual characteristics that would indicate their lineage aren’t always present, like animal ears, eyes or tails. (I’m also pretty sure zoahumes don’t come from the union of humanoid subspecies and animals…)

2. The union between dragons and humanoids is extremely rare, even more in the current age where dragons are a rare sight.

3. Unlike the union between humanoid subspecies, where ancestry can be drawn to accurately classify even subdivisions such as “eight-elf”, draconic ancestry seems to manifest almost at random. Dragon blood also seems to stick to bloodlines through multiple generations, even if the union was hundreds of years ago. A son of a seamstress mysteriously surviving their village being set on fire might have a drop or two of red dragon blood from 500 years ago.

Due to draconology being mostly a historical science nowadays, there haven’t been any formal studies on dracobloods for a few decades. Dragons also don’t have the best reputation around (with a few exceptions in other kingdoms) making dracobloods hard to find, if they even know they’re dracobloods at all.

I’ve been able to gather some info on possible characteristics from the books I’ve read:

1. Obvious draconic features (duh), like scaly bodies, talons instead of hands or feet, wings, tails, etc (The book I’ve found this in also had some really… detailed illustrations? I understand they were probably trying to give good examples, but there was this close-up drawing of a dracoblood lady’s behind lifting her tail and… yeah…) 

2. Subtle draconic features like sharp teeth, glowing eyes, sparse scales.

3. Strong Elemental Resonance to the dragon’s original element. This one is flimsy, since to this day we don’t really know what makes Resonances work (or else they might know what’s wrong with me…), but it does make sense, I guess?

4. Resistance to the dragon’s original element, like the seamstress example I used above, which I got from one of those books (does that count as referencing? I don’t remember the book’s title anymore…)

This is pretty vague, but it was all I could find. I also couldn’t find anything about the act (?) itself, even in the books with the more gratuitous illustrations… Like, I haven’t seen one with my own eyes but dragons are huge, aren’t they?? How does that even work?? What goes inside who- You know, never mind. 

So, because I'm a hackfraud writer who probably won't get worldbuilding right at first, and because people are here (mostly) for the smut, I'll try something out while writing Fiendish Forced Fertilization Fiasco.

As bonus material, I'll include some of Seri's diary entries between chapters, just to give a few more crumbs of info. That preview was one of those entries!

While the main story will be just fine without those, the diary will have some extra context in case you're curious (or want to read what that deranged half-elf writes on her free time). It'll also help to avoid situations like "When does Seri's classmate finally gives her the Hurricane Sloppy Toppy?! What is this Elemental Pathway crap?!" and such.

Not much to say here this week. I've managed to avoid being busy Sunday by doing all the stuff I had to do during the week.

Tekken 8 is out and, while I don't have the time or money to invest in a new fighting game right now, I would do terrible things to main Reina, even if my execution is terrible and probably not up to her standards (I never managed to play Xiaoyu because of that, too...)

Due to a client paying my resub in FFXIV, I went back to the party finder mines to raid a bit. It was a fun time, and I managed to relearn and reclear The Epic of Alexander a few times before my sub ran out. It is still my favorite raid in XIV, and I'm glad everything clicked fast enough for me to get a few totems on the way.

Hopefully your week wasn't as chaotic as mine and you managed to enjoy yourself. See y'all next week, folks.


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