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(You know, making a Sunday newsletter when I'm currently wrapped up in family stuff for the entire weekend is not the wisest decision, I should probably change that)

Xayah looked at herself with a mix of displeasure and incredulity.
“Right now, really…?” she sighed. The wild eyes that were previously filled with rage had a tinge of contempt to them, as if her own needs only brought her down.

She walked to the lake’s rocky shore, sitting down with her legs spread wide, and brought a hand to her needy friend.
“Fine, just let it be quick…”

The Ionian laid back, touching herself with long, deliberate strokes, using her free hand to prop herself at a particular angle, as her bizarre length made it difficult for her arm to reach every inch of that monster. Her wiry fingers dug into her own meat, the jet black nails contrasting with her paleness as she worked upon herself with almost disdain.

Her body responded quickly, and it became clear it wouldn’t be enough. That thing engorged itself to the point she couldn’t wrap her own hand around it. Using both hands now, she stared at her own pained erection like an enemy to be defeated as she moved, hissing and grunting through gritted teeth as a liquid as shiny as the moonlit lake started dripping from the excess of her skin at the tip, running down her shaft and making way for what was beneath it.

That sight was too much for the poor Demacian. Xayah seemed more human than monster between her legs, until that bright pink tip emerged. A thick, pointed spear, like it was designed from her very birth to pierce, to break. Taking her hands between her legs, she could only wish her fingers would ravage her like that creature could.

And yet, even though her hips moved in conjunction with her arms, splattering the lake’s shore with its liquids, Xayah seemed no closer to her much desired relief, her beautiful lips scowling at her weakness as beads of sweat slid down her body.

With a grunt, she released herself, her aching meat now pointing upwards. She hadn’t accepted defeat, though.

Laying back, she lifted her legs, bringing those vicious, sharp talons to her crotch. A proper monstrous way of handling such a monstrous asset.

It was a grotesque, if not fascinating display of debauchery. Xayah displayed even less mercy to herself compared to when those talons were used against their shadow assailants, the fury in her eyes only betrayed by her voice, singing tones of pleasure in the midst of rough grunts.

Her talons did what her hands could not, as a single one was enough to grip her entire girth, both of them working in tandem, grasping and jerking with enough force to show some squish of her erection between each finger, pleasuring herself fast and hard, making squirts of transparent preseed that dirtied those obsidian hooks, filling the quiet forest with squelchy sounds of onanism and making Xayah’s phallus look like it was glazed by the moon itself.

The bird’s sack, now fully displayed, seemed to contract with every jet, working overtime to fuel Xayah’s gruesome masturbation, and every time it happened, it seemed to temper the air itself with that intoxicating scent. Lux, her dark pants covered in streaks that made her look like she wet herself, couldn’t hold back anymore. That scent, it called to her.

Second chapter of The Beast's Scent is now officially back in production!

Man, writing things is tricky, huh.

I've heard that writing is just the process of thinking of the cool shit you wanna show everyone, then filling in the blanks between that actual cool shit, and sometimes it really feels like that.

I struggled a bit to actually start writing Fiendish Forced Fertilization Fiasco (name subject to change) because how exactly do you get to the "cool shit" (aka the smut you're all here to read) when your protagonist is... kind of a loser?

I've worked out a few jumping points to avoid doing too much inane story and worldbuilding without any action happening, and I think I landed on something satisfactory, even though I'll have to go back and forth in the timeline a bit to forcefeed y'all why the half-elf loser is such a loser.

I'm trying to have at least a preview going out this month, but some family matters are taking up my free time. That being said, one of the pre-hiatus comms (involving my dear OCs Sehn and Hilda) will definitely go into early access this week, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

I didn't get to do much fun stuff this past week due to aforementioned family issues, but I did drink a crapton of coffee. Are you a coffee person or more of a tea one?

I do like tea, though I usually don't really make it around the house, it's usually just black coffee, sometimes with a glug of milk around here. In the outside world, however, you can't go wrong with an iced mate with cashew juice from Rei do Mate, that shit is 10/10 drink of the year all years.

That's really about it this week, friends. See y'all in the next one. 



I drink both tea and coffee in about equal amounts overall, but i do go through periods where i drink one more than the other. I'm currently in a coffee period. I am both blessed and cursed in that i can't garner any discernable effects from caffeine i drink at whatever time of day so i really only drink coffee because i like the flavors