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Panam remembered being kicked out of the brothel after damaging their most expensive toy, but everything after that was but a blur. She had a faint recollection of yet another engagement with Judy in an alley, then servicing thugs around the block for colorful pills she gladly swallowed, but nothing much after that.
The techie, locked in that bathroom stall with her, could see the struggle in her eyes, but she was much busier admiring her work to care.
The cocktail she had been feeding the mercenary surely was working, and much faster than expected, too. Normal dosages would only show their effects after weeks, but Panam’s beaten jeans were already struggling to contain all of her assmeat in check. Even her hips were taking buxom-like proportions.
It was also impressive how laser-focused those custom-made drugs were, as all of Panam’s enhancements hadn’t put a dent on her hourglass shape or the tone of the girl’s muscles.
The cocktail did have its range of side effects, though. The short term memory loss was a given, but it wasn’t as noticeable as the increased metabolic rate. Panam’s body had been working overtime to deal with all the changes, and that manifested in many ways, some obvious even with your eyes closed.
Panam’s body absolutely reeked of every single stink her body could produce.
Of course, being knee-deep in a debauched fuckbinge for days on end didn’t help, but it was almost like Panam had a cloudy mist around her, her brown body in a permanent feverish state.
The mercenary’s onesie was but a rag now, dark and invariably soaked in sweat, but she couldn’t just ditch the piece. Her jacket couldn’t contain her increased bust size by itself anymore and, even though her swollen nipples were displayed almost proudly, stabbing the stained fabric, she wasn’t keen on exhibitionism, at least not while half-conscious. Furthermore, there was now a faint trail of pubes crawling up from her crotch and out of her pants, something she only noticed when Judy was eating her out, twirling the overgrown hair between her fingers.
“Do you have any of that stuff left…?” asked Panam, slurring her words “I could really use a hit right now…”
“Did you forget, already? We’re here to score some. They should be here anytim-
Judy’s sentence was cut short by a knock coming from the stall next to them, the stranger’s half-erect cock making itself known through the circular hole on wall.
It was all finally clicking together inside Panam’s head.

The saga of Panam and Judy through Night City is far from over. If you've read the first chapter, you're probably wondering how worse can things get, so let's just say there are three more chapters to go.

Anyway, welcome to the second edition of Sunday Funday, hope you all have been well.

Getting back into the groove of writing has been tougher than I thought. My previous routine was on the slower side. I would get to my PC, check my references, notes and outline, then do a reread of the piece to situate myself, and then get to actually putting new words to paper.

Since my time is limited now, I end up stressing myself and sometimes failing to produce anything new. It's frustrating, but it's just something I need to manage, and also learn how to get into that "zone" as fast as possible.

I've been doing some writing exercises to get to that point, and some of them are somewhat very funny when applied to lewd content. There's this one where you try to get ideas out of your head and into paper as fast as possible by listing as many concepts and ideas you're interested in with a 10 minute timer. After that, you fold that paper to create 8 subdivisions, and in 5 minutes you combine the previously listed ideas into 8 prompts.

As you can see, it works perfectly when it comes to generating smut ideas:

Can you even read what I've written there with my terrible handwriting under time pressure? Will Patreon's image compression make everything completely blurry? Are any of these even good? Who knows, tell me in the comments.

You know that character trope about a rich lady that has her own personal trainer? Well, I understand why it's always someone rich now.

Back when I went to the gym by myself, I trusted the good advice of random people on the internet, made my own weightlifting plan and sometimes recorded myself so I could check if I wasn't doing anything wrong. Sadly, I don't think I can trust the advice of the aforementioned random people when there's a piece of bone digging into me.

I've shopped around for possible options, and all of them are currently outside of my budget. This made me rethink the idea of reopening Patreon with just the first two tiers, removing polls and requests for the time being. Benefits would include PNG caps, ebooks, previews, discord and early access.

It's something I'll have to think about, and won't happen this month since I need to figure out if I can even keep doing my current projects and this newsletter, and then communicate the changes to everyone and make sure everyone has switched to the correct tiers, but maybe for June/July.

Of course, if it does happen, y'all will be the first to know.

I was never a super fan of roguelikes. Not really sure why, but it's probably a mix of the burden of knowledge to get things going, and the possibility of getting blasted just because of luck didn't sit super right with me. I think the only one I've truly enjoyed until now was Hades, since it's barely a roguelike and there's a pretty good story progression (and I also want Nyx to ride my face until I'm sent to the underworld).

However, now that I have limited time, I can kind of see the appeal of them. As much as I would like to finish Dragon Quest XI, sometimes I don't really feel like playing just half an hour of it, it'll probably get me nowhere, anyway. Half an hour of Slay The Spire, though? That's like two full runs on a good day. Also, there are a bunch of Touhou mods, and you can't go wrong with those.

I'm still not super fond of the more action-y ones like Risk of Rain 2, and I did enjoy Vampire Survivors, even though it's a game that mostly plays itself after the first 10 minutes, but I think my niche really is the slower paced, turn based ones like StS. Do y'all have any recommendations for me?


Well, that's another week. I hope you've all been well, and I also hope this format is working out. See y'all next Sunday, folks.


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