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As you could probably deduce by the lack of content, I'm not doing great.

I'm not gonna go into detail about every health problem currently affecting me to avoid making this post look like an obituary, but working a regular job while dealing with all of those issues has drained me completely, I can't really think of a single day this month I didn't get home and immediately pretty much pass out on the couch on in bed. (I only have 16 hours in my Elden Ring save file. Not even Elden Ring could keep me separate from my pillow)

If you're already subbed, you can keep pledged since April will be free and I'll (hopefully) catch up on content.

I'll also be catching up with discord DMs in the next day or so, if you have anything unanswered, I probably did the classic "oh ok I'll reply to this once I get home then forgot about it" move.


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