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...pausing your Patreon campaign because your family wants you to stay over for most of January, then getting back home and realizing it never went through (and as much as I want to blame Brazilian countryside mobile internet, it was my fault for not triple checking)

Patreon is paused for February because I got paid for January but wasn't even here to deliver content, so this is just me playing catch up. I've been home for a week-ish right now trying to come up with a way to tell everyone how badly I fucked up but uh, there's really no way around it. 

I don't even really know what to say, I would ask for forgiveness but maybe opening a gofundme for a MRI scan would be more apt. There's really no excuse for me to be this dumb, but if you talk to me occasionally on Discord, you know my brain is smooth as chicken breast.

Anyway, remember that new PC I mentioned I might be able to build last year? I'm typing from it right now. I feel like a Victorian child eating a Cool Ranch dorito. After weeks and weeks stuck with the worst mobile connection available on a 3-yo phone, I'm on an actual computer with actual internet.

Polls and stuff coming soon, btw


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