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Hey folks, hope you're all doing well lately. This is a preemptive update for next month: I'll be pausing the patreon for December. This time, however, it's not any sort of personal catastrophe or hardware failure, it's a planned break for two reasons.

1. I need a moment to catch up with my backlog

Even though I have a routine for writing and am putting things to paper daily, I'm still falling behind with my backlog, and I can blame my current laptop for this. 

Basic stuff like moving text take a couple of seconds to register, switching tabs to spell check and such also makes it sweat, and I also foolishly refused to downgrade the quality/resolution of my work, which makes editing big pictures a pain, like "get up and go get some water while the software makes a big change cause it's gonna lock up for a while" tier.

I'm also trying to get more into Photoshop (I currently use Fireworks, which is relatively lightweight) and oh boy this laptop just can't take it.

The good news is that, with my current funding, and if Black Friday sales are kind, I'll most likely be able to afford the parts I need for a new rig at the end of November, and it's all thanks to your generosity.

2. I won't be home for the last week of December

It took a while, but most of my family is finally double vaxxed, so we're planning something for the end of the year. I haven't seen some of them since the pandemic started, so I'm really looking forward to this. I don't think I can squish 4 weeks of content in just 3 while also finishing my backlog, so the best option is just take a break.

It feels really weird to take a break that isn't "my mental health is in shambles and I haven't written in weeks" or "something terrible happened in my personal life and I need to take care of it first", but it's on the good side of weird, you know?

Again, thank you all very much for your continued support, I hope I can keep bringing everyone the good shit for the tail end of 2021 and the entirety of 2022. 


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