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“C-can you specify what kind of accessories you’re talking about…?” stuttered Hilda. “I’m supposed to be a nun, so I can’t wear jewelry or makeup, r-right?” she continued, setting up a smokescreen that Sehn could see right through.
“Oh, I love when you try to play innocent…” she replied with a smug smile while browsing the black box, picking up what had previously been hidden by Hilda’s lingerie. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing you’re not already used to.”

Sehn held up one of the items she had fished out. A metallic structure comprised of two rings holding up several other small metal beams in a convenient phallic shape, united by a tiny padlock at the top.

“I-is that really necessary?” There was a bead of sweat running down Hilda’s forehead.

“Oh, you know, just so we can avoid any… accidents, ya know? I mean, you’re already pretty… happy downstairs and you’ve only just looked at me. Caging your friend is just a precaution!” said Sehn, approaching Hilda and placing her hand between her legs. She was still soft, but she could feel her twitching.
“That’s nothing, though! I mean, who doesn’t get a random one every now and then…?”
“Ok… Let’s just see how resilient you are, then! I’m sure you can endure until, hm…” she stopped for a second and checked her phone with her free hand. “…until our ride gets here!”

Sehn didn’t bother answering, putting her phone away and pulling Hilda by the crotch like she was taking a dog for a walk. Hilda was at least three heads taller than Sehn, but like a conditioned pet, she followed her without thinking. She guided her with her hands, sitting her on the bed and placing herself between her legs before leaning onto her, their lips meeting on the way down. Before Hilda knew, she was already laying on her mattress, her legs instinctively spread while Sehn’s tongue invaded her mouth, a string of saliva connecting their tongues when the purple-haired girl pulled away.

She slid down the oni’s massive body, covering her with small kisses, going from her chin to her neck, then finally her breasts, taking each of her dark crimson nipples inside her mouth, playfully biting them and feeling them harden against her tongue before carefully placing a light pink egg-shaped toy over both of them, securing them with transparent tape as Hilda softly moaned.

Sehn continued her jouney and, after going through Hilda’s soft belly and hairy crotch, she now knelt on the floor, face-to-face with Hilda’s  crotch, admiring how much she had swelled up without even a direct touch. She purposely avoided her mast, going around and kissing her thick thighs, then taping two more eggs on the oni’s heavy balls. She picked up her phone again and tapped a couple of times.

Hilda let an actual moan escape her mouth. The eggs around her body vibrated with an almost silent hum, making her body shiver, her fingers digging into the bedsheets. The very tip of her cockhead peeked out of her foreskin, coated in pre. Sehn held back a laugh. It was almost too easy. She turned her eyes to her next target.

She placed her hands on Hilda’s inner thighs and spread them apart, exposing even more of the oni’s naked ass. She had a puffy, red rim, crowned with a circle of green hair. It invitingly winked at her, so it was not like Sehn could refuse it, placing a kiss right in the middle before invading it with her tongue, giving it a lewd french kiss that made Hilda shiver, spinning her tongue around, coating it entirely in her saliva. She fished out a stray pube from her mouth before picking the second weapon in her loadout.

The plug’s bulbous shape was big, wide enough to make a layman wonder if it could even fit inside someone, but to someone of Hilda’s size and anal proficiency, it was perfect. Sehn pressed it against the entrance, Hilda’s ass slowly giving in to the toy offering just a tiny bit of resistance, the oni herself biting her lower lip. Sehn opened her mouth, drooling over the toy, making it even wetter. It wasn’t long before it was past its halfway point. Once the widest part of the bulb was through, Hilda’s asshole swallowed everything else in a second, leaving only the wide base out.

Sehn could see the pearly drops of pre running down Hilda’s shaft now. “Are you sure you can hold on?” she asked with a smirk. “Seems like you’re already good to go…” she said, getting close to her, letting just the breath from her words touch Hilda’s intimacy. “There’s so much coming out… you’ll end up dirtying your costume like that… We might need to plug that hole too!”

After a short deliberation, Sehn picked yet another toy. A thin string of small, translucent purple beads with an equally small handle at the top. Sehn finally touched Hilda’s mast, but only the very base, her index and thumb in a circle, subtly pulling down. Hilda’s girth didn’t let Sehn actually close the fingers around her, but her soft pull was enough to reveal more of Hilda’s cockhead. It leaked profusely, every breath from her letting out another drop. Sehn lined up the first bead with Hilda’s cockhole and, with a delicate push, started invading Hilda’s most secret place.

The first bead slipped right in without even a wince from Hilda, the next one offering barely any resistance. It wasn’t until halfway in that Hilda started unconsciously fighting back, her maleness reaching full mast, painfully swollen. Each throb made her gush out even more, lubing the way for Sehn, who pressed on, the slight bump of every bead now visible against the oni’s hard shaft. The final one had to be pushed down with the tip of Sehn’s fingers, making Hilda flinch, but the whole thing was now stuffed inside her.

Sehn smiled, counting the beads from the outside with the tip of her long, pointy nails. The string almost reached Hilda’s base. She delicately held the circular handle at the top of Hilda’s cock, then slowly pulled them halfway out before pushing them in again, making Hilda’s legs tremble. She repeated the motion, fucking Hilda’s cock. Each time she pulled out, more and more pre gushed out. The beads stretching her cockhole made it all sting, but Hilda couldn’t help but feel immense pleasure in the profane act. It wasn’t supposed to be there, but it fit so right, felt so good…

Sehn was impressed at her resilience. It usually didn’t take this long for her to blow. She approached Hilda’s crotch with her face, placing her nose right against her balls, feeling the faint scent of sweat already building it. She rose, kissing each bead on the way up without stopping her hand from penetrating Hilda, tasting the salty accumulated pre that made their way down, already thick enough to not immediately dissolve in her tongue. Hilda was big enough to cover Sehn’s face with her length, going from the bottom of the girl’s chin to beyond the top of her head, but Sehn would never back down from a challenge like that. Swirling her tongue against the ruby-colored head, she began to torture the oni even more.

She smiled seeing Hilda’s tummy contract and relax every time she wrapped her dark-colored lips around her, only a third of the way down and already showing signs of weakness. The demoness slobbered over her, letting her warm saliva coat her so her hands could work the base, effortlessly gliding around in semi-circular motions under Sehn’s tight grip, her mouth making sloppy sounds that only made Hilda harder. She could tease her for hours and hours with just her fingertips, but tonight, time was a factor. With each movement of her head, she got closer and closer to the base, feeling Hilda’s pre-cockmilk fill her mouth with her raw taste.

Sehn pulled her head back, her face covered in sweat from the oni’s heated skin. She would definitely need to redo her makeup. It would be unkind to show up to a party with a bright green pube glued to her cheek like that. Her throat was warmed up now, she could just go again for Hilda’s base with no effort, letting the wet sounds fill the room as she looked up to see Hilda’s hands covering her own face, pulling her hair. She was at a breaking point, so she decided to go in for the kill.

Instead of simply continuing until Hilda broke, she retreated until her lips touched Hilda’s cockhead, then bit the handle of the beads, tightly holding it between her teeth, pulling them out with her mouth until only a few of them rested inside the oni’s cock. With a swift motion, she fucked Hilda’s cock again before swallowing her entire shaft in one fluid motion, the cockfuck deepthroat combination making Hilda yelp in pleasure, to Sehn’s amusement. She held Hilda inside her throat for a second to build up anticipation before repeating her attack, letting her lips glide across her to the very top, pulling back the beads, shoving them back in again while taking her back inside her tight, warm throat. She could feel the violent throbs inside her. She went for it again, and again, until Hilda barely fit in her mouth, then retreated completely, without pulling the beads.

Hilda’s entire body was trembling. Her lips tried to form words, but it was too much for her overloaded brain, her hips humping the air, chasing any sort of stimulus. She was begging for it. Sehn approaced her cock again, softly blowing air onto Hilda’s cockhead, and that was enough to drive her over the edge.

Sehn dodged out of the way at the last second before Hilda’s climax exploded in front of her. The oni screamed in pleasure as the powerful torrent of white was strong enough to dislodge and launch the translucent beads with its first squirt. The plentiful, steamy ropes came out one after the other, painting the wooden floor of Hilda’s room in lewd streaks of her yellowish spunk, her cock bouncing and pointing up with every new wave that came, making her whole room smell stuffy and gross. After seven or so squirts, it was finally winding down, though even at a half chub it still dribbled a faint stream of colorless semen.

A ding came from Sehn’s phone. “Oh, our driver is nearby. Get yourself together, honey, we’re going out!”

Sehn and Hilda got into the white sedan. The demoness gave the driver a cheerful greeting, while Hilda just shyly nodded in his direction. Sehn snugged up to her, her sweet vanilla and lavender perfume filling the oni’s nose. Hilda wasn’t a fan of perfume, but Sehn’s scent always brought her comfort, a welcome relief to the discomfort beneath her nun costume, the cold metal tightly wrapped around her crotch controversially making her sweat thinking of what could happen at the party, even more now with another egg taped directly beneath the tip of her maleness.

“Miss, can you confirm your destination?” asked the driver, trying his best to not ogle at Sehn.
“Oh, sure, we’re going to…”

1. Firha’s House: “If they send only ONE cop car to disperse us, was it even a party?” is Firha’s motto. Almost solely responsible for bringing down property values in her entire neighborhood due to how wild things get around her, this fiery, wide-hipped imp’s three-story suburban house is the place to be if you’re interested in rowdy, wild parties. Loud music, a jacuzzi filled with half-naked people, plenty of cheap booze in red cups and lots of empty rooms upstairs are the perfect storm for a night of wrong-doing. Halloween is looking like the biggest event yet and Sehn was personally invited by the host herself.

2. Heaven or Hell: The most prestigious nightclub in the city, and for a good reason. Hosting only the most hyped up DJs, serving the best of the best at the bar and having a limited guest list for their massive Halloween party, the club is known for their unforgettable parties filled only with the cities’ most beautiful individuals. It is discussed in whispers that the club also has an underground scene where people can fulfill their most depraved desires, but no one will ever confirm or deny that.

3. Lynnthia & Nyxxa’s Mansion: The dark elf business mogul and tiefling supermodel lesbian power couple is known for their luxurious, extravagant and extremely exclusive parties, and Halloween is no different, as they’re throwing a big masked gala for their friends. Hilda has no idea of how Sehn even got invited, but after reading online about how freaky those ultra rich people get behind closed doors, she’s already worried.


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