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It was unusually warm for an Autumn night. Not enough to make anyone drip with sweat, but enough to make Sehn turn on the air conditioning in Hilda’s room. All that computer paraphernalia did contribute with the heat, after all. It quietly whirred in the background, its sound muffled by the bathroom’s shower and the bustling sounds from the city beneath the apartment, a tad more festive than usual.

It wasn’t just an usual autumnal night: it was October 31st, the Hallows’ Evening, also known as Halloween by pretty much every other living being. Sehn had cursory knowledge about the event’s history and meaning, but as she absentmindedly scrolled on her phone while laying naked in Hilda’s bed, bathed by the multicolored LED strips on the walls, that was not at all what she had in mind for the night. Very soon she would be joining the sounds of the city. As soon as Hilda was done showering, at least.

She ran her hand through her short lilac hair. It was almost completely dry. Her oni roommate was certainly taking her time. A complaint almost left her mouth, cut short by the sound of the water being turned off. “Finally!” she exclaimed exaggeratedly, to which she could only hear a groan in response.

“Are we in a rush…?” questioned Hilda. “Didn’t you say the party wasn’t until quite later?” she said, getting out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around her crimson body. Hilda was always anxious about being late, so even though she knew she had more than enough time, Sehn's pressure got to her. “And why are you naked in my bed?! Go put on some clothes!” she added once she got to her room.

“We’re ahead of schedule, yeah, but you know patience was never one of my virtues…” she replied. “Also, I got something special for tonight, dressing up will be part of the fun!” she added before snatching Hilda’s towel, exposing her strongfat body.

“Oh, give that back! And what you do mean by ‘part of the fun’?” Hilda said, covering her body with her hands. She knew Sehn’s definition of fun could be very open-ended.

“Oh, not much. I should thought it would be fun if we had matching costumes for tonight, so I got us these!”

Hilda’s eyes widened in shock.
       “You want me to dress up in THAT?!”

Welcome, ladies, gentlemen and everything in between to Sehn & Hilda's Halloween Night Out, a CYOA-like event where you will decide what happens to those gals. Every update will come with a poll where you’ll decide their destiny. It starts out simple, we’ll be picking their outfits, but spicier things will soon come, don’t worry. Here are the options:

  • Succubus and Nun: The temptress and the tempted. Sehn already has the horns, so she’ll wear thigh-high leather boots and a black bodysuit similar to a one piece swimsuit, but with semi-transparent mesh making for most of its fabric, exposing her body, leaving only her breasts and crotch truly covered. Long black nails and a glowing tattoo right above lilac bush complete the look. Hilda will be covered from head to toe in a nun’s habit, but beneath it is an extremely revealing white and frilly lingerie which enhances her private parts instead of hiding them.
  • Doctor and Nurse: Be careful around their injections! Sehn will wear an unusually modest attire, a sleeveless teal turtleneck, a black pencil skirt that emphasizes her ass and a labcoat, hiding underneath that a leopard-print lingerie. Hilda will offset her prudishness with the classic Halloween nurse attire, a white gown way too small for her body, white fishnets, red pumps and a syringe with a mysterious blue gel which Sehn refuses to talk about.
  • Bunny Suit and Reverse Bunny Suit: A classic and its modern counterpart. The usual leotard and tights for Sehn, combined with killer high heels, bow-tie and bunny ears. Hilda will wear the opposite: thigh-high boots and long gloves that cover her shoulders and unite at her neck, leaving her torso completely uncovered aside from heart-shaped pasties on her breasts and a jockstrap for her crotch.
  • Teacher and Schoolgirl: Class is in session! Sehn will wear thick-rimmed glasses, a black blazer, a white shirt with a few too many buttons opened exposing a lacy bra, a pencil skirt and dark tights. Hilda, contrary to her nerdy persona, will wear a gyaru-styled look, a dark blue skirt a bit too short for her legs, a yellow sweater over a white shirt and red tie, long puffy socks and brown shoes. No panties, of course.
  • Dominatrix and Slave: Other people don’t need to know they wear those outside of costume parties, right? Sehn will wear high heels, tight leather pants that don’t leave much of her plump butt to the imagination and a dark corset with deep cleavage, accompanied by leather accessories. Hilda will be completely covered in a shiny latex bodysuit, her neck gracefully adorned by a collar linked to a leash in Sehn’s hands. 

These polls will run for 24 to 72 hours, so be sure to get your votes in as soon as possible. If you aren't familiar with my girls, here's a quick summary of them. Thank you again for all the support!


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