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When will I learn that my actions have consequences?

I created The Big Dinner tier when Patreon changed layouts. The original tier descriptions were much more long-winded with a bit of humor tacked onto them. The new layout worked much better with simple lists so, while I appreciate having some humor of questionable quality on everything I do, I also like people knowing what benefits they'll get when they pledge. The Big Dinner was a way to fight back against the new layout by having a deliberately shitpost-y tier for funsies.

I wasn't expecting people to actually pledge, but destiny once again surprised me, in a positive way for a change, though.

The internet is a fantastic place because you can find out about other cultures, their food, way of living, all that good stuff. It also made me realize that calzones are usually a singleplayer affair, a two person couch co-op at the very best. It was a bit of a shock to discover the calzones I've been eating for like a decade and a half from a local pizza place were a pizza-sized anomaly.

And it was this cheesy, ricotta-stuffed anomaly that I've decided to order for this month's Big Dinner. It'll definitely be my lunch tomorrow too, but don't expect Big Leftovers pictures.

Tedious essay aside, thank you very much for your support. My writing endeavors went from just a side gig so I could get more art commissions to something that is almost literally putting food on my table. My rambling about the tier itself and calzones might seem a bit cynical, but I'm legitimately grateful for everything.

See y'all in the next month's dinner, hopefully.

PS: holy shit I need to take some photography classes, those shots are awful. I forgot to take an overhead shot of the thing to show its size before I cut into it, too, fuck
