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Hey folks, long time no see.

I've already babbled about my hiatus for way too long in our Discord server (and you're missing out if you're not there), but here's the abridged version: new house stuck in eternal renovation, sister in law got covid, I fell off a ladder and broke my leg, moving took ages. I think that covers the main points.

I don't think anyone is interested in hearing about that, though, so let's move on to the good stuff: Are we back?

The short is answer is: Not yet.

The long answer is: Kinda. I had no internet for quite a while and couldn't write much in the process, which was... not ideal when I just opened for commissions to help out with the moving expenses. Right now I'm working on my patreon and commission backlog and I don't want to reopen my patreon without making sure everyone has their stuff. That might take a while, so for safety I'm keeping things paused until October.

However, there will still be content here. I'll post the full quality versions of everything I write even while the account is paused, so consider those some sort of freebie apology for all the delays. Right now I'm in a much better place with a blistering fast connection and, while there's still things to be sorted out, I can now work for more than two hours without interruptions.

Thank you all very much for all the patronage and patience so far. If you have any comments, feel free to drop them under this post or at the Discord. 


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