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Hello again!

2019 was most definitely a year. It had 365 days, 12 months, all that jazz. It was also, for the most part, complete and absolute hell for me. But you're all probably tired of me complaining all the time, so let's try to focus on the positives this time, which there are plenty.

2020 is looking pretty good so far. Some of the family issues I've had for the past months have been solved, so I'm back to my old schedule of actually having free time. One day I'll go into detail on those issues, but talking about them now would look like I'm looking for a pity party and I don't wanna make myself look even worse in front of the people who have been supporting me for my entire "career". 

Anyway, that means the backlog I've been slowly chipping at for the past few months will most likely be done with in January, so we'll be back to regular activity in February. Patreon will be unpaused and we'll be able to go back to polls, high quality releases, streams (I'll actually make a separate post about them later) and such.

Before I went on my family trip, I spent a few days testing a few techniques for productivity and some of the methods I've tested worked out great, so I'm excited to be able to finally produce more content. I also finally got a Scrivener license instead of dealing with trial versions and buggy cracked versions, so that's another think to look forward to.

Again, thanks for all the support and let's hope 2020 is great year for everyone!


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