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Scary title, huh? Don't worry, prices are actually going down for now.

Back in the day where Tumblr was still a thing and I had more followers and exposure, I got plenty of inquiries regarding the limited slots for the Enthusiast tier. Would I ever add more slots? What about actually opening commissions?

I had a pretty packed schedule at the time, so I didn't think I could fit more commissions, but so I could have an answer other than "Nope, sorry", I created the VIP tier, a shiny, $20 level that also came with a monthly commission. But I couldn't just charge $20 for a $10 benefit, it wouldn't feel right in my mind. So that's why I added the benefit of being able to add your own ideas to polls.

This month, I've added Counselor, a $10 tier that comes with the benefit of poll suggestions instead of a monthly commissions. Seemed about right, since the VIP combines both benefits but also their prices. But then I realized $10 for suggestions is... kinda steep.

So I'm changing a few things now. Don't worry, everything will stay the same, except for those two, which are going down in price. Counselor is now a $6 tier, as I feel that $5 is a decent price for being able to get multiple captions per month. VIP is now a $15 tier, combining Enthusiast and Counselor with a little discount on top.

I'm posting this on Patreon first before making a public announcement just in case any of you want to make the jump to another tier, since they're very limited and I don't think I'll ever add more slots to them.

Thank you very much for your support!


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