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According to Patreon's new terms of service, raffles, giveaways and other services involving any sort of random chance are forbidden. That kind of sucks, because I won't be able to host a monthly raffle anymore. That being said, I'm working on a substitute system: a monthly pool of requests. Here's how it's going to work:

  • At the start of every month, I'll make a post. The comment section will be open for requests.
  • You may, per month, make up to two posts there with an image and an idea (or just a tag, if you want to keep it simple).
  • You may also vote for ideas you liked with a like. To keep things fair, you may like your own posts.
  • At the end of the month, I'll pick an idea I liked to write. Ideas with more likes will tell me something is requested a lot and I might favor those.
  • An user may not win two requests in a row, two months in a row.

How do you guys feels about this? I feel like it's an ok system, even though it's not truly random, but it's better than outright removing a patron benefit. 


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