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I'm planning on having more consistent dates and deliveries for polls. More specifically, a fixed number of polls: one per week, four per month. But to deliver on that, I need to ask you guys a question first: Do you have any preference between themed and themeless polls?

Themeless polls are easier to set up. I just have to pick 4~8 pictures I would like to work on (and trust me, there's a lot of stuff I would like to do), turn them into neat little banners and start the poll. I think this method brings out the most variety, since I can put lots of different fetishes, styles and even animations in the mix. This also lets VIP pledgers pick whatever they want for the poll, which is probably a better value for their money.

Themed polls require more work. I need to find something I want to write about and then find 4~8 pictures that fit the source material or fetish (though considering my reference folder, it shouldn't be THAT hard). It's also harder for voters and VIPs if they don't care about the current theme. That being said, I feel like voting in themed polls is more fun, though I could be completely wrong here so feel free to tell me otherwise in the comments.

What's your opinion on this? I'm aware that I might be making a storm in a teacup, but I wanna make sure my patrons are getting the best content I'm capable of providing, as cheesy as that sounds. Let's discuss this in the comments.


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