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The sun's golden rays had barely started touching the encampment, but Angra was already at the meeting spot, followed by a half-asleep Fia.

"Oh, goddess, why would you put such tribulations onto me..."

"Not oversleeping is not a 'tribulation', Fia."

"Yeah, sure, but why would anyone want to meet us this early in the morning?"

"We rise alongside the Golden One, elf" replied a firm voice, instantly drawing the attention of the adventurers.

"Good morning. Kanatsuki, right?"

"Correct. Do I speak with Angra and Fia?"

The world of dungeon diving was a magnet for eccentric souls, but none quite like the dracoblood who approached them.

She was but half a head taller than Fia, but her impeccable posture made it feel like she towered over her. Her black hair was long and straight, cut in blunt bangs at the front, framing her glare and cheekbones, but that was the least interesting thing about her.

Draconic heritage is strange and fickle. Sometimes heirs have nothing but an affinity to their ancestor's element, or eyes that shine just like a dragon's. In other times, even multiple generations apart, their bodies might grow sparse scales, timid horns and, in rare cases, even wings. The Golden Children of Kin'yuu, however, were something else.

A descendant of the Sun Emperor himself, Kanatsuki's sun-kissed skin was covered in golden scales like the deity himself, and her clothes seemed to be made to frame that fact.

Her crimson pants, loose and styled after a hakama, featured wide thigh slits that revealed her golden scales. The fabric draped elegantly, elevating her toned curves. The coverage seemed to extend to her behind, but that couldn't be confirmed. Another slit at the back accommodated her sinous, shiny tail, almost brushing the ground.

A tight sash covered her midriff, while her white sleeveless kimono exposed her sides from hip to underarm, showcasing an unfettered view of her chiseled flank, covered more of her golden features. While her more intimate features were covered, the windows left clear that the scales cupped the underside of her bosom and crawled into her back.

While her shoulders were just specked in gold, a pattern that was mimicked on the sides of her face, her arms donned almost a golden gauntlet, only ending at the start of her fingers, who weren't covered, but had claw-like nails at their end.

Twin horns sprouted from her head, looking like a crown. Her eyes, locked in serious serenity, would look completely cold if not by the glow of molten gold flowing in them.

"Yes, you do. Glad to meet you. Don't mind my associate, early rising is not her forte" said Angra with a smile. Despite her qualms over the Golden Children, the dracoblood didn't seem like a slouch. A toned, trained body, and two beautiful but not too adorned swords bound to her sash meant she had at least some training as a warrior.

Kanatsuki nodded. "I'm honored to make your acquaintance. Shall we go over the terms of our contract?"

"Straight to the point, huh? Very well..."

While Angra described the situation, Fia was finally awake, drawn to the dracoblood's legs. While her robe also exposed her thighs, her smallclothes always kept everything in place. Kanatsuki's hakama, however, was considerably looser, and yet she couldn't get a peek at what was underneath. Did she fight in those clothes? How did she avoid stuff... slipping out?

“…but I think that’s all. Get in, recover our stuff, get out. Did I miss anything, Fia?”

“Yeah… I m-mean, n-no, that’s all there is to it! In and… out!” replied the elf, wiping the sweat from her brow.

Hey folks.

Sorry for my absence last Sunday. During the week, I had to solve some family matters, and couldn't really come up with anything interesting for the week's WIP. Things have been resolved, though, so that's one less thing to be worried about.

That threw a big wrench to my plans, though, as I was planning on posting DDDD's second chapter this week, but now I'm not so sure if I can make it. I'll still give it a shot, though, as I want people voting on the next phase in April.

This week's WIP introduces one of the winners of the last vote, and there are four more to come. Hopefully y'all like the new folks!

That's it for now, though. Thank you all again for the continued support, and see you soon.


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