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From the third floor, the tavern’s rowdy sounds were but whispers, soon dissipated by the poison-coated words from the tiefling.

“So…” said the proprietress, taking her time to take a long drag out of her thin, golden pipe “…care to enlighten me with some… details of your adventures? I heard there was some… commotion while you were finishing your job.”

Pursing her red lips, she blew softly, spreading that fragrant smoke inside her office. Her words were deliberate, only adding to the tension in the room.

“Well, yes-

“Well, no-

The zoa and the elf exchanged glances.

“We saw an opportunity and we took it, simple as that” said the wolf, as nonchalantly as she could.

“Oh, I heard you took much more than an opportunity…” fired back the tiefling from behind the desk.

“With all due respect, Ms. Saffron…” said the elf, meekly. Between the wolf’s astounding frame and her employer’s piercing gaze, the cleric’s presence was but a flicker, but she had to intervene, or else she would get even less sleep that night “…If we didn’t make our move there, we would have to trail them for at least one more week. It saved all of us a lot of time!”

Saffron pondered for a few seconds, her amber eyes studying her employees from top to bottom. The duo felt completely out of place in that luxurious office on the corner of The Devil’s Tail’s third floor.

The wolf warrior wore a moss green tunic and hose which contrasted with her blue fur, while the cleric donned a traditional cream robe from the Sect of Magna, a billowing, floor-length piece that cascaded down her shoulders, made of durable fabric to withstand their pilgrimages. On her chest rested a circular medallion engraved with a quill, Magna’s symbol.

Compared to the opulence in display, the rich crimson drapes adorning the window overlooking Blithea, the shelves of dark mahogany displaying an eclectic collection of items, the large desk with its mirror-like sheen and golden inlays, it was nothing. It seemed almost too much, even for the rich owner of one of the city’s biggest taverns.

From her beautifully upholstered, high-backed hair, Saffron continued. “Hm. Surely, then, you can recount your strategy for me. In detail, of course.”

The two exchanged glances again. Despite the imposing stature, the wolf’s emerald eyes had a tinge of worry to them. The elf sighed, yet another sleepless night making the dark circles around her blue eyes reach the level of a raccoon zoahume.

“Uh… Well… I… I mean, we…” stuttered the cleric.

“Take your time, honey” said Saffron, blowing a ring of smoke “The night is but a child, is it not?”

Hey folks!

As always, thank you for the continued support, I wouldn't be here without you.

For April, aside from working on my backlog, I'm planning on releasing DDDD's second chapter. The results are in, and I already have most of it sketched out, just need to put it to paper.

While I'm managing to write a bit more consistently every day, sometimes I'm still frozen by the number of things at hand, but I'm building up some methods to counteract that sort of thing. Breaking down tasks to the smallest possible pieces, then working on them individually, trying to focus on one step at at time to avoid being overwhelmed. It's really weird to think a normal brain just does this sort of stuff automatically, and here I am having to make spreadsheets for every single assignment I have.

Still, things are improving, and if I keep this pace, maybe I'll be proficient enough to host, let's say, an event involving kinks that is held in the month of October, ya know?

In March, AliExpress had one of those big, week-long sales and I decided to pull the trigger on something I had my eyes on for a while, one of those retro portable emulation stations, the R36S.

The sale brought the price + shipping below the $50 import limit for taxes around here, so it was the perfect opportunity to finally get one of those things. These emulation stations have been commonplace for over a decade now, but the power/cost ratio always drove me away since I could always just emulate things on another handheld like my DS or 3DS.

The R36S finally brought that ratio to a more acceptable plateau, since it can run even lighter Dreamcast games, has a decent 4~5h battery and it's really easy to use. The dpad is not the greatest because the pivot point makes it hard to hit diagonals, but I wasn't planning on using it for heavy action games anyway, it's mostly so I can play older games while laying down.

In fact, I just finished my first playthrough of the first Suikoden. I had played the sequel ages ago, but never the original. I've also been playing the DBZ RPG games for the GBA (RIP Toriyama), they're such a rush of nostalgia to me.

Of course, this wouldn't be possible without your funding, so thanks again.

Do y'all have any recommendations? Any slower paced hidden gems for PS1 and below? Let me know your favorite classics!

That's gonna be it for this week, folks. Hope you've been well, and see y'all soon!


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