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Hey folks!

Sorry for the sparse updates. Last week, instead of writing the usual weekly newsletter, I've decided to use that time to push the first DDDD chapter out.

For the past few days, power and internet have been very unstable thanks to a heat wave affecting our power grid, so I didn't manage to put anything together for this week, either. Had a great time laying in bed without a fan with 40C temperatures, though.

Anyway, first chapter of DDDD is out, hopefully it was an enjoyable read. I swear the next chapters after the second one will have a better smut/lore ratio, I just need to set up things first. If you haven't read it yet, here's the link. Also, if you haven't voted yet for Angra and Fia's new party members, here's the poll.

Also, talking about future stuff, folks on the Discord may remember a certain "Extra Degen" sticker I've used ages ago. Well, that sticker might be featured on a story for the first time soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

Thank you for the continued support, I'll now go stand below the fan while my power is still up. 


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