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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Good morning, Sora! Thank you so much for all of your wonderful reactions to Lucifer, seasons one through five, my dear friend! I love seasons one through five very much. However, I sadly absolutely hated season six. Everything about it. So, I stopped watching your reactions for Lucifer once you finished season five, just because I have no desire to ever watch an episode within season six ever again. But with this being said... I really appreciate all of your many reactions to this amazing show I love so much up until the final season, that does not fit in with the rest of the seasons in the slightest. If you're interested in reading my thoughts on why I feel this way, then please continuing reading... First... I really hope you enjoyed this final season more than I did. I wish I could have enjoyed season six. And while I do dislike and even hate this season, I do understand its ending, and why a lot of the decisions for Lucifer and a number of the rest of the characters were made by this show's creator and writers. I do. Especially for Lucifer, Chloe, and Amenadiel. Even Maze a little bit too. But with this being said... I am still so shocked that I could hate any season of Lucifer so much. I absolutely love this show as a whole, minus season six, so, so much. And you know this about me. Even a few of the weaker episodes in my opinion that I didn't care for as much throughout the rest of the seasons, I didn't hate at all. For the most part, I still really enjoyed the episodes I didn't like so much in previous seasons. But season six... Wow! I am still reeling from my heartbreak and disappointment over this final season. And I really can't help but feel like the creator and writers absolutely did this phenomenal show I love so much, such an injustice. I'll admit that I had hopes for season six. Particular storylines that I wanted to see come about. But of course, I also knew that the season wouldn't be at all as I imagined it would be either. And I am not disappointed by any means that this season didn't go exactly like how I hoped. I just would have preferred a much better overarching storyline all together. Especially for Lucifer and Chloe. And there is a part of me that can't help but feel anything else would have been better than what we were given. First and foremost... I absolutely hated the entire daughter from the future storyline. Everything about it. From her character, her personality, wings, and powers, to the actress, her hatred and attitude towards Lucifer that to me just doesn't make any sense, how quickly Chloe is to believe that she really was her daughter from the future, and to the whole time traveling half angel/half human storyline in general. I hate this storyline in general for any show or movie. It has been done before in other shows, and I've never really liked this kind of storyline. For any of these shows. Also... I really just don't like that Lucifer becomes a father at all. Especially because a similar storyline has already been done between Amenadiel and Linda, with them having a child together upon Amenadiel becoming pretty much human upon him punishing himself for his mistakes he made throughout season one and losing his powers, wings, and celestial strength. For Lucifer to become a father too... I just feel like they could have come up with a more original storyline that hasn't already been done yet in this show. Plus... This storyline just feels cliche and like a similar storyline has been done in every supernatural/magical/fantasy show there is. Another reason why for me... This overarching story arc is far more annoying than not. Like I've already mentioned... I really don't like Rory's character at all. She and the actress who plays her, annoyed me in every way possible. Although... Even a different actress wouldn't have made me like her character, or this storyline anymore. And more than anything else... I hate that Rory forces Lucifer to have to agree that he will sacrifice his happiness with Chloe for what would have been thousands, and thousands, and thousands of years for Lucifer down in Hell, and another fifty, sixty years or so for Chloe. Because he does sacrifice it all just to prove to his daughter that he does love her and always will. Sacrifice is something any good parent should do for their loved ones, and would do because they truly love their family. However, in my opinion, how Rory is written and her pleas to Lucifer to give up his own happiness with Chloe, completely goes against Lucifer's belief and desire to have free will for himself like humanity has. Lucifer has always just wanted to find peace with himself and to be loved among his family. And maybe by the ending, he does finally gain that after all, but he has to lose everything that makes him happy and suffer an eternity in Hell all alone until Chloe's arrival in order to find this? Ugh! Lucifer and Chloe may wind up together in the very end upon Chloe's death, but they were both parted from one another for so long, and Lucifer winds up all alone for eons. At least Chloe would have had their friends and her daughters to keep her happy. I could say more about this entire Rory storyline, but I won't go into it any longer. You know how I feel towards her character. Next... I appreciate and love that Lucifer is willing to sacrifice everything for those he loves most. I've always seen so much good and love in him, even when Lucifer acts selfishly for his own desire. And after all... Lucifer has suffered so much for so, so long, and was forced to feel like a monster after being cast out of Heaven and into Hell, then vilified for all eternity, without so much as a word from his father, mother, and siblings to help him understand that he wasn't ever being punished for his rebellion like Lucifer has always believed he had been until now. For Chloe, for Trixie, his closest friends, and now his daughter too... I love that Lucifer is willing to sacrifice everything and remain the monster a part of him will always believe himself to be in order to prevent his daughter from becoming the monster she almost did upon wanting to kill Dan's killer even if it was to protect her father. It's just so sad and in the end... I really just want Lucifer to be happy with himself, and yet there will always be a part of him who will hate himself. He deserves more. Also... I do love that Lucifer comes to understand that he wants to help the poor souls trapped in Hell to move on and find their way into Heaven. However, I hate that he has to remain in Hell permanently in order to do this. He should be allowed to remain on Earth with Chloe, while he travels between Earth and Hell, like Amenadiel does so between Heaven and Earth for Charlie upon becoming God. And I hate that in the end, Lucifer and Chloe have to live together in Hell in order for him to be able to continue to help these souls. Not only does this feel so wrong for me, because I had hoped to see Lucifer and Chloe living together in Heaven once Lucifer has found peace with being in Heaven again, which is what I thought was the whole show was building up to upon Lucifer finding true redemption with his father and peace with himself. This means that Chloe can't live again with her father and mother, Lucifer can't live with Amenadiel and the rest of his siblings, and she and Lucifer can't ever be with their daughters, with Dan and Charlotte, and the rest of their friends in Heaven. They will just wind up being alone in Hell, which is where neither one of them belong. I wanted to see Lucifer become God, not Amenadiel. Amenadiel becoming God makes sense, and had season five been written a little differently to where Amenadiel accepted he should have been God all along, or by the end of season five, I would have been happy. Because it does make sense that Amenadiel should be God. Absolutely. However, this storyline written as it is... For me, it almost makes it seem like all of the events that happened throughout the second half of season five were pointless. Yes... Lucifer stopped Michael from becoming God, and yes... Season five allowed for us to be able to get to know God, and to be able to see God finally tell Lucifer he loves him and how proud of him he really is, which is what Lucifer has deeply been longing for after being in so much pain from believing he's a monster for so long. And I absolutely love all of this. However, I just wanted to see more come from these events throughout season five. I wanted to see more come from Lucifer's sudden resurrection that was never explained. We only can accept that God somehow resurrected his son in spite of God being in the Goddess' universe. For me... this is just a bit too frustrating. Next... I also hated how Dan's overall storyline was written and handled throughout season six as well. Him becoming a ghost seemed silly at times, but for the most part... I could have accepted this. I like how Dan is trying to figure out the guilt that is keeping him from moving on. However, I especially hated that they bring back Dan's killer again as this season's major villain, which was such a weak storyline. I wasn't really a fan of Pierce/Cain, particularly his and Chloe's relationship throughout most of season three, and I didn't really like Eve much towards the end of season four because of everything bad she did simply to try to win Lucifer back. Nonetheless... I liked their characters as their seasons' antagonists far more than I like Rory, and especially far more than Dan's killer as season six's only two antagonists. Because both Cain and Eve made sense for everything that comes about because of their characters. Especially in regards to what happens for Lucifer, and between him and Chloe. Rory's brief hatred towards Lucifer and Dan's killer being brought back... Just so very disappointing. And Dan's killer kidnapping Rory to lure Lucifer out so he can kill him because of how Lucifer punished him... So stupid, and it makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. After seeing how Lucifer's red eyes and Devil face affects all of the people Lucifer has ever punished throughout seasons one through five upon revealing himself to those he and the detectives bring to justice during their cases, Dan's killer should have been more of a mess too. Just like Jimmy Barnes, and everyone else. And yet... Dan's killer, while he claims to be in endless torment because of the words Lucifer whispered to him in the end of season five after Dan died, he's suddenly just fine and even seeks revenge against the Devil. Makes no sense. But more so... While it is a really sweet moment we have between Dan and Trixie in the second to last episode, which allows for Dan to at last rid himself of his guilt so he can go to Heaven, I hate, hate, hate that Dan talks with Trixie while possessing his killer's body, and that his killer is the face of the man she is seeing. Even if she doesn't know who this stranger is. Which alone is strange, given that Trixie ought to know the face of the man who killed her father, whether it being from the news, or from Chloe, Lucifer, or Maze telling her the truth. The sweetness of this moment for me is completely ruined because it's Dan's killer we see and not just Dan. If Dan was gonna possess anyone, they could have had him possess anyone else. They should have had him possess anyone else. I would have much rather preferred to see more with Lucifer trying to help Dan move on down in Hell. I am happy that Chloe helps Lucifer to know and encourages him to understand that he does help Dan find Heaven. I just wish there was more. More for Dan, and especially more of a friendship between Lucifer and Dan by the end, like we've had between them in seasons two and five. Also... I actually really hate Linda's overall storyline this season as well. If Linda chose to write out all of her experiences upon having Lucifer as her patient, and write out everything he's ever shared with her during their sessions in her own private journal... that would have been fine with me. But no... she decides to write a book that she initially plans to publish for all the world to read. She doesn't even change Lucifer's name for even the title of her book, or his name and everyone else's names either. In my opinion, Linda is written to violate everyone's trust in her as their friend, not to mention she breaks the doctor/patient confidentiality in a big way. And I hate this. And it's very unlike her character, because Linda in seasons one through five never would have done this. To me... This just makes no sense. So, I really hated everything about the entire episode when everyone is reading her book. It's silly, stupid. And it dredges up stupid feelings for Chloe regarding her fears that Lucifer really would leave her again like he's done in the past. I can understand most of the memories we see Chloe have of him leaving her, or not showing up for her. And to some degree, I can understand her worries that Lucifer will soon abandon her again. But again... I feel that Lucifer deserves so much better because he really has changed and grown. And I understand his reasons for not being there for Chloe in these moments Chloe reads about in Linda's book. Also... I hate that one of the memories is when Lucifer had first sacrificed his happiness on Earth with her to return to Hell at the end of season four. Because Chloe knew darn well why Lucifer had to leave, and she understood. Everything was okay between them after this and ever since. So, this really shouldn't have been a memory that made her feel angry towards Lucifer for. Now, like I mentioned above already, and while I do understand it for the most part... I kind of hate seeing Amenadiel become God in the end, after he had chosen to pass the leadership down to Lucifer throughout the second half of season five. Especially since Amenadiel was the one who wanted to live on Earth for Charlie and Linda, and amongst humanity. Because he has grown to love Earth and all of humanity, after looking down on them all for so, so long. Plus... He comes up with the idea that he would rule much differently from how his father, God had ruled. By sharing everything amongst himself and the rest of their siblings. As equals. And yet in the end, we see him ruling over Heaven by sitting on the throne and appearing to act above everyone else. I just really hated seeing how Amenadiel is portrayed as God, even though we did get a little bit between him, Charlie, and Linda in the very end. Oh... And I hated that Charlie gained wings in the very end after all too. After seeing Amenadiel's attitude towards his son not having wings, and claiming that angels are better than humans... The writers chose to give Amenadiel what he wanted for his son all along, and it feels to me like he was rewarded for his poor attitude when he really shouldn't have been. It really bothers me. And it also kind of makes no sense, because at first... Remiel exclaimed to Amenadiel that she sensed a new celestial having been born, then God tells his son that Charlie is human when Amenadiel asks him if Charlie is just human, all in season five. Talk about there being some inconsistencies in this storyline. Also... I don't really care at all about the overarching storyline with Amenadiel and the racism and problems with the police forces. I know racism is a real issue in the world and it's really tragic. But I also feel that racism is still such a major issue because it is constantly being thrown in our faces by bringing the subject up time and time again. Especially in movies and on television. And I know that so many people are hating on the police throughout the world right now because of a few bad events that have occurred, caused by the few police who are real trouble. Every cop is not evil or corrupt, and yet so many people are trying to make everyone in the world feel that they are. And this really, really bothers me a lot. So, I really hate this storyline throughout this season. Regarding Maze and Eve... I don't care much for their relationship at all. They're fine, and I can accept that they're together just fine. I really couldn't care less. But I am not really a fan of their relationship. Never was. But with this being said... Eve is just an okay character for me. She always has been. Like I've already mentioned, I hated her towards the end of season four, then she once again became just okay for me upon her coming back in season five. And while I've loved Maze throughout seasons one and two, her story arcs throughout seasons three, four, and five, really made me grow less fond of her, and by the end... She has grown to become my least favorite amongst this show's major characters. Which is really sad, because I really wanted so much more for Maze. Maze and even Eve redeemed themselves for the most part in my eyes, but I still just don't really care about their relationship. I don't think they make a good couple. I would have much preferred to see Ben Rivers from season three's episode, titled... Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith, return. And I would have much preferred to see Maze wind up in love with him. To me... Maze and Ben Rivers make a much better couple. Also... I really, really hate that Adam comes into the show and that his character is written as he is. Ever since it was revealed that Lilith had been Adam's first love by Eve and Maze in season four's episode... Orgy Pants to Work, and then we actually meet Lilith in season five's episode... It Never Ends Well For the Chicken, I hoped Adam would somehow come into the show. But when he does, the reasons for him being brought into the show are really stupid to me, and the actor who plays Adam, plays Adam like a neanderthal, which I really, really hate. So disappointing. And then... I absolutely hate how Ella comes to learn the whole celestial truth. Her overarching storyline throughout season six makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. There was never any one circumstance where Ella witnesses Lucifer or Amenadiel, or even Maze act out of their normal. Aside from Amenadiel appearing to be talking to himself, when he's really talking to Dan. Ella supposedly discovers the truth just because a frog falls onto her car from the sky, and she suddenly starts to recognize that the Apocalypse is coming by researching more strange occurrences all throughout the world? How stupid!! I mean... Just think about how much Chloe and Dan have witnessed from Lucifer alone throughout the show that should have made them come to see the celestial truth so much sooner! I really would have loved for Ella to discover the whole celestial truth by maybe witnessing Lucifer with his wings out, or maybe even his Devil face, or glowing red eyes. But no. Something more. Anything more, really. Such a let down. Also... I like Carol Corbett overall as a character. He's fine. A bit boring, but fine. More than anything else... I just love seeing Ella happy with him. I love that he makes her happy. He himself is just an okay character, but overall... I like him a heck of a lot more than I ever liked Pete before we even discovered that he was the serial killer. Even though Ella and Pete fit together better than Ella and Carol do. Now, in regards to the so called Apocalypse coming... I became really excited at the prospect that this is the route this season could be going in, because the Apocalypse rising is actually where I really hoped this season would go. Especially with Lucifer supposed to be becoming God. And while Lucifer and his friends fighting to stop an Apocalypse might have been a bit cliche as well, or rather... done countless times in other shows and movies too, such as Supernatural... I really would have preferred it to all we're given for a final season. But no... My hopes are destroyed yet again, when it's revealed that all of the strangeness and darkness Ella discovers across the world is all caused because the other angels are answering people's prayers in the most ridiculous of ways ever. Stupid! In all honesty... I really miss seeing Chloe as a detective and Lucifer as her consultant. I really, really miss the format of seasons one through five, as they work together to solve their cases and to bring their criminals to justice. The cases for the most part weren't always all that creative or great, and the killers were often pretty predictable for the most part, because they always turned out to be among the first of the people Lucifer and the detectives talk to while investigating the cases. But some of the cases were unpredictable and they were always fun, nonetheless. I especially loved seeing Lucifer work out his problems and come to learn from them, and I love seeing how he relates himself to the people involved in their cases. I also really hoped to see more between Lucifer and Azrael, as well as between Azrael, Lucifer, and Ella. And I really hoped that Lucifer and Azrael would have talked about what happened to Uriel, because Azrael allowed for Uriel to steal her blade. I hoped that God would have made at least one final appearance, and I especially would have loved to see a conversation between him and Lucifer where they talk about Uriel's death. I also would have loved it if Lilith made a reappearance, and possibly even came back as season six's major villain had they not chosen to simply write her character off as having died alone in her apartment after her big build up in season five. I think seeing her again and seeing her become a major villain for season six could have been amazing. But no... Sadly. Also... I really would have loved to see more between Lucifer and Zadkiel too. I loved seeing Zadkiel side with Lucifer in their war against Michael, and I would have loved to get to know him more too. Another thing that really bothers me, is that Lucifer once again never says goodbye to Trixie. In the second to last episode... Lucifer says goodbye to everyone else, and to Chloe and Rory in the final episode. But we aren't given a goodbye scene between Lucifer and Trixie. It's especially disappointing, because Trixie is mad at Lucifer for several episodes throughout the second half of season five because he failed to say goodbye to her when he left to return to Hell in the end of season four's finale... Who's da New King of Hell. We aren't given enough scenes between Lucifer and Trixie in the final three seasons, and none whatsoever in season six. And it's really, really sad. I absolutely love the relationship developed between Lucifer and Trixie. Especially throughout seasons one through three. So not getting a single moment between them in season six is just so wrong. Also... I absolutely hated the entire cartoon sequence throughout episode three this season. I understand what they were trying to do, with Jimmy Barnes having gone crazy, yet feeling at peace when he watched cartoons. But come on... This is just ridiculous, and super cheesy. But not in a good way. And I hated the humor during these scenes. Humor that to me... was not at all funny. As much as I love the humor Tom Ellis brings to Lucifer in every other episode. And while I do love that Lucifer has found his calling to help save the souls in Hell, and I do for the most part enjoy the very ending we have with Lucifer acting like Linda inside a version of her office to help them... I hate that it is Linda's ex, Reese Getty, and Dan's killer whom we see Lucifer trying to help. Reese is a nice callback to season three's episode... Off the Record, and I can somewhat understand him being someone Lucifer would want to help, given that Reese lost his way that much further especially after he had seen Lucifer's Devil face. But Reese did some terrible, terrible things. And Dan's killer is far, far worse. It's beautiful and incredible that Lucifer wants to help even the worst of the souls in Hell. However, the worst of these souls deserve the punishment of Hell for their foul misdeeds in life. Otherwise... What is the point of Hell even existing? People like Hitler, Stalin, and a number of other people we learn about throughout history don't deserve to ever be in Heaven after all of the pain they've caused so many people and all of the horrible acts they did while alive. Nor do the people who commit such heinous acts like those continuously happening throughout the world every day. If you ask me... I would have much rather preferred to see Lucifer trying to help Delilah from the Pilot episode find her way into Heaven. Not only would it have been a much more powerful callback to the Pilot episode, but Delilah died just after she found the courage to start changing her life like Lucifer encouraged her to do for herself. Sadly, she never got the chance to before her life was taken from her. And it would make sense that Delilah would have wound up in Hell from her guilt after the kind of life she had led before coming to find Lucifer at LUX. I really would have loved to see them together again. And lastly... I really just wanted to see Lucifer rise up to be God. Like I've said, I loved seeing Lucifer fighting Michael for the chance to become worthy of becoming God, all so he can become worthy of Chloe in the second half of season five. All to come to see himself as worthy. I loved this entire storyline for him in season five, especially upon learning that Lucifer wished to do so in hope of proving to himself that he could be worthy of Chloe and her love, if he could be capable of proving himself worthy of becoming God. I love that Lucifer fights Michael all in the name of love. I would have loved to see Michael continue to remain a major threat for Lucifer throughout season six too. I would have loved it if Michael was once again this season's major villain, rather than there hardly being anyone at all. And yet we don't see him at all, except for a tiny glance of him down in Hell just to let us know how Lucifer chooses to punish him for killing Chloe and himself. Aside from just cutting off his wings. But no... In my eyes, this storyline becomes almost pointless because of the directions Lucifer's overarching storyline season six takes him. Because of how the creator and writers chose to write his story this season. And it makes me so mad, and just very sad. I am so sorry for writing out such a long rant about my reasons for hating all of season six, Sora. Now... Season six does have a few good and beautiful moments too. But they are very few... I really love Lucifer's goodbyes to Chloe, Maze, Amenadiel, Ella, Dan, and Linda in the second to last episode, titled... Goodbye, Lucifer. These moments between these characters we've loved since the beginning of this phenomenal show I love so much. I especially love Lucifer's goodbyes to Chloe, Maze, and Amenadiel, even though I really hate the circumstances surrounding Lucifer having to return to Hell, in spite of me slightly understanding why the ending of this phenomenal show I love so much is written such as it is. I also really love the smaller storyarc for Chloe, as she struggles against the pull of Azrael's Blade so long as it remained on Earth after the battle, while she kept hold of Amenadiel's necklace. And I love how this is a fabulous parallel to season two's episode... Trip to Stabby Town, when Dan too becomes possessed by the blade's pull as well. And Lucifer even refers to this incident between him and Dan in Trip to Stabby Town when he tells Chloe that Azrael's Blade causes all humans to go to Stabby Town. I love the fight between Lucifer as Chloe as he defends himself against her when she attacks him in order to remain all powerful. And then... I love how Chloe at last stops herself from killing Lucifer upon recognizing the blade's pull just like Dan had, when Lucifer states that this must be how he dies, allowing for her to break free of the blade's pull. Just as I also love how Lucifer immediately comforts her and assures her that she is not at all to blame once she breaks down and cries in his arms. So beautiful!! But this is pretty much all I love about season six. I would love to know your thoughts as well, Sora. If you wish to share them with me that is. I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts, no matter how long and how negative towards this final season they are. Thank you so very much for all of your reactions for Lucifer seasons one through five, dear friend!! Fabulous reactions for a show you know that I love very much! Thank you! Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

And out of curiosity, Sora... What seasons are your favorites, and which seasons... if any, are your least favorites? For me... Season two is my absolute favorite season!! I love mostly everything about it! Especially everything between Lucifer and Chloe. Plus... Season two has the longest run of what for me are my favorite and just phenomenal episodes in any season, given that episodes five through sixteen are among my favorite episodes within all of Lucifer. Along with my favorite episodes within the rest of the seasons too. Season four, for Lucifer’s overall story arc, comes in very close to being second amongst my favorite seasons. There is just more within this season than what I dislike throughout season two. And there aren’t as many episode favorites in season four either. Seasons one and five are pretty much tied in my opinion. I absolutely love them both for different reasons!! Regarding season three... While I do love this season overall, I am not a fan of the overall Sinnerman storyline. I loved that Pierce turns out to be Cain, but I hate the relationship between him and Chloe. And I would have loved it if Cain was more consistently the season’s major villain, and not so wishy washy. List of seasons in order from my favorite to my least favorite... 1) Season Two 2) Season Four 3) Season One 4) Season Five 5) Season Three 6) Season Six (Hate) I would love to know what you think too, Sora! Tom Ellis is absolutely phenomenal as Lucifer Morningstar! And I love, love, love his portrayal of this character!!! He's just sensational! No one plays the Devil better than Tom Ellis. And I love how he is written throughout this show. That the famous saying, “sympathy for the Devil” truly applies to this character, who is absolutely evil and unsympathetic in every other show or movie in which the Devil is a character. This version of Lucifer is by far my favorite, and no one could have played him any better than Tom Ellis. I really wish he was in more shows and movies. Hopefully, he will continue acting in future shows and movies to come! Thank you, my dear friend! Sincerely. Heidi


So now Stargate weekly? :P Jupi! P.S. Chloe was dying from old age. Rory didn't age because she's an angel. Even in one episode, she said that she's older than she looks.


you HATED season 6?!!! I mean it wasnt my favorite either, I think hahaha I cant tell you at the top of my head which one was my favorite cause I dont remember now 😅​ but probably season 1 or 2