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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Martian- Thank you so much for this fantastic reaction to such a phenomenal movie I love, Sora!! I really loved watching your reaction for it, and I am so happy that you really enjoyed watching this movie too! Ridley Scott is one of my absolute favorite movie directors. He also directed another of my all time favorite movies... Kingdom of Heaven, which I hope to request from you soon as well. Beautifully directed. And he does a fantastic job directing The Martian as well. This movie easily could have gone in the same direction of another well known fight for survival movie... Cast Away, starring Tom Hanks, in which a majority of the movie follows only one character as he struggles to survive after becoming shipwrecked on an island. Don't get me wrong... Tom Hanks acts brilliantly in that movie and I love him as an actor, but I found Cast Away to be boring because his character is really the only character seen throughout the movie aside from a few other actors shown in only the beginning and again in the very end. The Martian could have easily been directed the same way, and yet we get to know a lot of other brilliant characters who work together to bring Mark Watney home. Characters including his teammates and all of NASA, among others as well. And I am very grateful that this movie didn't become another one man survival movie. I really love each of the actors who play the other astronauts on Watney's team. Jessica Chastain as Commander Melissa Lewis, Sebastian Stan (Bucky in the Captain America and Avengers movies) as Doctor Chris Beck, Kate Mara (U.S. Marshal in Iron Man 2) as tech wiz, Beth Johanssen, Michael Pena (Luis in the Ant-Man movies) as pilot, Rick Martinez, and Aksel Hennie as chemist, Alex Vogel. I especially love Sebastian Stan... another of my all time favorite actors, and Jessica Chastain, whom I really love too. And among the famous or well known actors working at NASA, we have Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo in the Doctor Strange movies), Sean Bean (Boromir in the Lord of the Rings movies), Kristen Wiig, Benedict Wong (Wong in the Doctor Strange and Avengers movies), Mackenzie Davis, and Donald Glover (Weapons Buyer in Spider-Man: Homecoming). I love each of their characters, and seeing just much of a role each one of them play in Mark Watney's rescue from Mars. This movie has such a phenomenal cast! I'm not typically a fan of Matt Damon. He's normally a very hit or miss actor for me. I enjoy some of his roles, while I dislike a number of his other roles. However, he really is fantastic in this role as Mark Watney, and this is easily one of my favorite roles for Matt Damon in my opinion. I know that this movie was nominated for multiple Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Actor... Matt Damon. Sadly, it didn't win any awards, but Matt Damon most certainly should have won because it is certainly well deserved. I love Matt Damon in the role of Mark Watney. And I admire the strength, attitude, and courage Mark maintains all throughout his entire ordeal that would most likely cause most everyone else give up and die. I know I probably wouldn't have survived, even if I had half the brains, strength, and courage that Mark had. In regards to what a Sol is... I believe that you're right in believing a Sol to be like a day. The difference is, that time on Mars is drastically different. On Earth, our days are twenty-four hours. Whereas, it's been said in other space movies such as Interstellar, that time moves much differently on other planets. For all we know... A day on Mars could be as much sixty hours, or only just sixteen, etc... I don't know for sure. However, because time moves differently, the scientists and astronauts have to take the time difference into their calculations, and they call the days on Mars Sols instead. I hope this explanation makes sense. :) And in regards to the Pathfinder Watney finds far away from their landing site... I believe that the Pathfinder is actually a real drone, or rolling probe NASA actually sent up many, many years ago to take pictures of Mars, as we've always hoped to really be able to send people to Mars. So, I really love that this Pathfinder is a part of this movie. Overall... I absolutely love this movie and its cast, as well as the directing. I love the overall story, Mark Watney's fight for survival, and I love seeing everyone come together to bring Mark Watney home. I also really love the music throughout this movie as well. Thank you very much once again for this marvelous reaction, Sora! I'm happy you really loved it like I do. I can't wait for your upcoming movie reactions for many more movies from you to come! Until then, dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi


I wish that I will be able to go to Mars in my lifetime...