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Hi guys! Here's this week's schedule!

So good news: I'm fully moved in! and the cats are adapting. At least they're eating and drinking water now lol I got very worried at some point but as soon as my dad left they started to feel more comfortable (due to the fact that my dad would meow at them every time he saw them in a very annoying way. I know they hated his visit lmao) but... bad news: I still dont have internet. Venezuela is... a nightmare as I keep saying but specially when it comes to 1st world things (internet, running water, electricity lol) and its been hell to find an internet company. I'm still looking, in the meantime I drag my ass to my neighbor and steal her wifi for small posts (and doom scroll on fb) although its been 5 minutes and this picture wont upload ToT anyway, I still have some pre recordings so I wont be late with the regular reactions (veronica mars, lucifer, etc) but I will be late with Pixie Dust, I'm sorry :') if you're a Pixie Dust patron and dont see your pick in the schedule It'll be up next week, I promise. Also my external hard drive where I save my full reactions broke, I guess with the move, so I lost around 4 years of reactions lol hopefully I wont be needed to reupload anything. 

Thanks for understanding <3



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm so sorry for all of your mishaps and misfortunes. However, I am happy to hear that you are all moved into your new place. I wish you luck with getting everything up and running again how you want them to be, so that you can continue to create reactions for us to enjoy from you! I am most excited for your reaction to Woman in Gold, Sora! However, if you need more time to watch and react to it, then it's okay if you need to wait until next week. I promise you, I understand, and I am a very patient person. So, don't push yourself to watch, react, and post it, or any of your other reactions before you're ready, my dear friend. :) Sincerely, Heidi