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Hi guys! I have a website! It's still in the works but I have some things done and keep adding little by little, in case you wanna check it out

You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.






The most commonly available version, unfortunately, is missing the most important song/moment, "When Love is Gone", which is when Scrooge truly starts to change. It was in the original VHS, but Disney eventually cut it because they thought it was too sad for their audiences and too deep/heavy for children to understand. But it's heartbreakingly beautiful! And Michael Caine breaks down in tears - a wonderful performance. Plus, the song at the end of the movie "When Love is Found" is meant to call back to it, tying everything together. If you get a chance, please take a look at it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbawsayImds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8SPHMk-lAE


Got to the end and saw that you watched the deleted song, so glad! It's the best one, no doubt!