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Christopher simeon

I personally love this episode. You said why did William change into spike and Angelus is the reason. The first episode spike appeared he said Angel was his sire. But it was more metaphorically not actually because dru was his real sire. But Angel made spike into the jealous take what you want do what you want vampire that we know and love. before he was still a poet and talked about love and destiny before Angel fucked dru in front of him. So we see part of his motivations always seemed to be take what Angel has because of their past. This includes getting his soul and Buffy. If spike wanted his soul to be good he would actually do good but what has he done since getting his soul that didn't include Buffy that was actually good? Angel at least has been trying to do good not for anyone but himself. Nobody motivated him to be what he is now. Spike really just wanted Buffy's love.


Sure....if you skip over Spike never pursuing Buffy's love post-soul, opting to be around to just support her and the mission, sacrificing his life to save the world, sacrificing his needs to save Fred, etc, etc. Then of course there were Spikes motivations for self-sacrificing his known self and all he knew by getting his soul for the chance of being better. So you'd have to rewrite his arc in Season 6 and tons of dialog in Season 7 that outright says his motivations for fighting for his soul. Spikes trajectory and character development steadily gets better, while Angel's gets worse 🤷🏼‍♀️ Angel's entirely motivated by his forced-soul, his punishment, hence all the self punishing that defines him. The first few years we see him in Buffy, he's only motivated by her. But he rarely gets better as a person. He's pretty stagnant. Like one step forward, two steps back.