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Hi guys! I have a website! It's still in the works but I have some things done and keep adding little by little, in case you wanna check it out

You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.






You can't put off watching Buffy forever girl. Just rip that bandaid off!


You better post all three next week like you said you would!

David Caine

This is the End Beautiful friend, This is the End, My only friend, the end....of Buffy. Of their elaborate plans, the end...of Buffy. Of everything that stands, the end...of Buffy. No safety or surprise, the end...of Buffy. I'll never look into her eyes again. 😭 😂 Notice that at the end there in the lobby with Lilah and Angel he took the intel folder and the medallion that she offered him. Lilah came back the same way evil Bernard from LOST came back in the elevator with Angel way back in season 2, where Angel had his epiphany that this world is a Hell and that he needed to choose good and become a champion for people. And here now for Cordelia and Connor Angel has chosen Wolfram & Hart. And Connor pretty much snapped. He never had a chance at being normal. Like everything else in the Buffyverse, from high school to college to failed relationships to friends' betrayals to sexuality to depression to adulthood to working a real job, to an ex coming back and getting her pregnant, to motherhood and fatherhood, they took Connor being a typical angsty teenager and dialed it up to 100th, instead of getting detention and getting grounded Connor would always try to kill his dad. And he becomes essentially a lone mass shooter, like the ones here in the US, you get shot at church, at the grocery store, at elementary school, at college, at the movie theater, at work, at a party, at a concert, at a county fair, on and on, no exaggeration, this goes on every other week and I can name each and every place and event. And always, the shooter never kills himself first, he just has take innocents with him. Connor became that, and Angel paid a price to save his son and Connor's soul. I will repeat it again, DO NOT WATCH THE INTRO of season 5. Back then viewers knew what because of the media, and sometimes you give in and view the intros, this time DO NOT WATCH IT, it will be better that way.


She was already sad and you write a heart-wrenching poem!? It's good, but how will we ever recover from it! 🤔😍😂