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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Emperor's Club- "The worth of a life is not determined by a single failure, or a solitary success. My other students taught me that." Such a powerful and important quote we all need to remember. Thank you so much for reacting to this movie for me, Sora!!! I love this movie so much. And I really enjoyed watching your reaction for it, and listening to what you took away from this beautiful movie and the powerful messages behind it. I am happy you enjoyed this movie! :) It can absolutely be so hard to live with certain failures in life, and to believe you're more than that failure at times. I know this very well and I struggle with my failures every day. Which is why this movie has impacted me so much and makes me cry every time I watch it. I fear living a full life without making an impact on a single life of those I have and may come into contact with. I always have. However, this movie also gives me hope for a brighter future. And it also shows us that we have more of an impact on the lives of those around us than we may think. Both in good ways, as well as in bad ways too. "How will history remember you?" Another very powerful quote spoken by Mr. Hundert towards the beginning of this movie. :) As for this movie itself... Kevin Kline as Mr. Hundert is absolutely phenomenal! I really love him as an actor. And as Mr. Hundert, I love seeing how deeply he cares for his students and how he hopes to inspire them to be the men, and later the women too, that they all have and will later became, aside from Sedgewick. Mr. Hundert wanted so badly to believe he could help Sedgewick, that he winds up making a terrible mistake when he dismisses Martin all those years earlier in order to help Sedgewick get ahead, in spite of him being undeserving of this gift. And upon realizing that he had truly wronged Martin once he discovers Sedgewick is cheating the first time, that mistake in taking Martin out of the running for becoming Mr. Julius Caesar comes haunt him. He had wronged Martin and failed Sedgewick. However, Martin and the rest of the boys upon growing up comes to show Mr. Hundert just how much he had taught and impacted them, which gives him the inspiration, the courage, and the strength to return to teaching again. I also love the rest of the students, both their young selves and their older selves. Patrick Dempsey, Michael Cera, Paul Dano, Rishi Mehta, Rahul Khanna, and of course Jesse Eisenberg too, etc... I especially love Martin, both as a young man and as an adult. Especially as an adult, when his role is played by actor... Steven Culp, whom I really enjoy in a number of movies and shows I've seen him in. I always cry in the end when Martin drops off his son at school so that he too can be taught by the man who has made such an impact on his life and who means so much to him. And by bringing his son to this school to be taught by Mr. Hundert, this shows Mr. Hundert that he has redeemed himself after he had finally admitted to Martin how he had wronged him. Not because Mr. Hundert hoped to find peace with himself for his mistake, but so he could finally give Martin his due and the recognition for all his hard work that Martin deserved way back in his school days. And this shows us that Martin holds no ill will against Mr. Hundert like he could have. Martin still admires him and is grateful to Mr. Hundert for all he had taught him. The moment they lock eyes upon one another as Martin waves at him upon seeing Mr. Hundert through the window, and then watching as Martin's son stands up to read the plaque above the door just like his father did years ago at Mr. Hundert's request yet again... I ball like a baby every time. Just like I do when the boys read the plaque they make for Mr. Hundert and cheer for him in order to show him how grateful they all are to hm. As for Sedgewick... the first time he cheated, he did so in order to try to ensure his win so he could impress his father. The second time... was so he could try to ensure his win so that he could impress the press, the faculty of the school, and would be voters so that he could build himself up for becoming Senator. It is sadly all about the false image he builds for himself under the influence of his father, all to make himself look good. And sadly, he fails to learn anything from Mr. Hundert because he grows to not care about the morals and virtues Mr. Hundert tried to bestow upon him, just like his father didn't care about them either. I am so angry at Sedgewick for being so heartless and without morals because he really hurts such a good man. Especially in his words to him in the bathroom scene. However, Sedgewick gets his just desserts in the end when his son overhears him talking to Mr. Hundert in the bathroom so deplorably. I feel so badly for his son, knowing he will most likely grow up just like his father and grandfather. However, Sedgewick deserved to feel that stroke of pain to the gut upon discovering his own mistake. Sadly, he just refused to let even this change his ways. I can only hope that maybe his son will take the pain from learning about the kind of man his father really is, and use it to become a far greater man than his father ever will be. A good man. What an amazing movie! It's powerful, the messages are beautiful, the acting is fantastic, and the music is beautiful too. So, thank you again, my dear friend! I continue to look forward to many more reactions from you. Sincerely. Heidi