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David Caine

At the time all those years ago, a lot of the praise and appeal of the Buffy universe was that Joss Whedon had created a show with a strong emphasis on empowering women characters—for once, a woman was going to be the hero and slay the monsters. Then Angel came along, and all the different female characters of the Buffyverse developed into unique, powerful, iconic figures, and now they are all timeless cult favorites. A couple of excerpts from: https://hellogiggles.com/reviews-coverage/academic-buffy-the-vampire-slayer/ https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/10/the-rise-of-buffy-studies/407020/ 'It pushed the limits of TV in ways previously unexplored, and many academics have found the show to be a metaphor for greater themes beyond the page and screen. “In Buffy, monsters act as physical stand-ins for societal differences and threats: Vampires symbolize sexual predators, werewolves represent bodily forces out of control, and witches tap into tropes about how female power and sexuality is seen as threatening,” Katharine Schwab writes. “By fighting the ‘Big Bad,’ Buffy and her friends fight the monsters everyone faces—oppressive authority figures, meaningless rules, confining social norms, sexual awakening, loneliness, redemption—in other words, the terrors of growing up and finding one’s way in the world.” ' But behind the scenes ironically as we learned recently, Whedon was pretty toxic, or at least the typical Hollywood stereotype of a powerful, influential producer/director/writer. At least most of the women actors were made uncomfortable, and while shooting Whedon would be rude, obnoxious, crude, insulting, brutish. He was inappropriate, had outbursts, was abusive, also had affairs with coworkers, cheating on his wife.... Sarah Michelle Gellar also had difficulties with him, it is claimed. With Charisma Carpenter, Whedon was angry that she got pregnant, gaslighted her, that she tried to ruin the show, insulted her, and wanted her to abort, and she would not, and he attacked her character. Most of this remained private until after the Justice League investigation where Whedon was accused of the same toxic, abusive behavior towards Ray Fisher and Gal Gadot. As for Cordy and where the character goes, that can only be left for the story to tell what remains of the journey. But yeah, a lot fans were not happy with her being evil and sleeping with Angel's son.

Christopher simeon

I really wish you held off until after she finished the show before going into detail. It is easier to separate the man from the art if you did. Not defending his actions I just want her view of the show to not be ruined by one man's actions. Especially since many people other then joss helped it come together on screen.


I really like connor's character, its a shame that you don't like him, he is a really interesting character but a tragic one as well because of his childhood etc.


Honestly I'm glad he's gone lol I'm happy he got the life he deserved though, his life was incredibly tragic and thats why he was the way he was (that I couldnt stand haha)