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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Vegas With Some Radish- Thank you very much for another great reaction for Lucifer, Sora! This episode is definitely my favorite episode within season three so far, and for me it's definitely one of my absolute favorites throughout this entire season. I absolutely love it!!! I absolutely love that Candy is brought back again, and how Lucifer is willing to return to Las Vegas in order to help her when she falls into more trouble like she had before. And I also love how Ella becomes so much more the character in the forefront within this episode too. She's just adorable and I love how she is so happy to help out Lucifer when she recognizes that he needs her help, in spite of her worries about returning to Vegas herself for her own reasons that stem from her past. As you would undoubtedly expect from me... my favorite moment is the very ending between Lucifer and Chloe upon him returning home from Vegas, to find Dan and Linda passed out drunk on his couch while he finds Chloe asleep on his bed, and wearing his dress shirt too, no less!! Love it!! I also really love how Lucifer is sad that he missed their celebration of Chloe's birthday at his penthouse. That he had missed out on their fun. However, most of all... I love, love, love the moment Lucifer softly talks to Chloe while he believes she's still sleeping, as he explains how sorry he is for running away from her the first time to Vegas because he understands now that he had hurt her, and I love how he apologizes to Chloe for unintentionally lying to her, not really understanding before how bluffing and lying are really one in the same no matter how he tries to rationalize it. I love how Lucifer admits to her that he never wishes to ever lie to her, and as we know... it's definitely because of how much he truly and deeply cares about her, which thankfully... Chloe overhears because she isn't actually asleep like he believes. Which I absolutely love too. And the best part of this moment... is the moment when Lucifer gives Chloe her birthday gift, which is a very special gift that truly holds a very special meaning for them both. I love that Lucifer gives her the bullet she had shot him with back in season one's fourth episode... Manly Whatnots, after he has it made into a beautiful necklace for her. In part, it's meant to be a funny kind of gift. However, it definitely holds so much more meaning to them, as you can see within both of their eyes. While Lucifer jokes about the meaning behind this bullet necklace, I also truly believe it means so much more to him too. Because this bullet, represents the first moment Lucifer discovers that he is vulnerable around Chloe. It's the first moment that he begins to recognize he has feelings for Chloe, even though he doesn't understand this back then. He knows this now. And he knows that she makes him vulnerable, yet he doesn't care that he can be hurt when he's close to her. Because he wants to always be around her. Which is really, really beautiful. And I really love how Chloe laughs so happily, and adorably when he teases her. It's clear how much she is grateful to him for his sentimental gift, and just how much she truly cares about him. And does she want them to be more than friends? Without a doubt. Her jealousy that Lucifer may be in Vegas with some "radish", or ravishing woman... is very evident, and Linda sees right through Chloe, even while she continues to get drunker and drunker. Although, I also definitely sense Chloe's feelings go beyond jealousy too. Lucifer and Chloe both feel for one another deeply, and yet they're both too afraid to admit it. And it's really so beautiful. They're relationship is beautiful. I absolutely love them!!! Even if their love is a very slow burn. :) Fun fact... Tom Ellis jokingly improved his line regarding the bullet "penetrating" him, on the spot during one of their rehearsals of this episode's beautiful ending between Lucifer and Chloe, making Lauren German suddenly burst out laughing for real. The show's creator and writers all thought this real moment between Tom and Lauren was so brilliant and perfect for their characters, and it was exactly what they wanted to see between Lucifer and Chloe, that they actually decided to keep the original filming of this moment between them in. And I absolutely love this!!! :) Now... I absolutely love how this episode also focuses on a number of flashbacks of the time Lucifer had spent in Las Vegas after he left Los Angeles upon being heartbroken from leaving Chloe to protect her, after he felt he had to protect her upon discovering that Chloe's feelings for him might not be real and manipulated by his father. I love that we see how Lucifer comes to meet Candy, and how he helps her to be able to keep her father's bar, and saves her life the first time, as was revealed back in the ending of season two's episode... Candy Morningstar. This is definitely a storyline I wanted ever since we meet Candy, so I am very happy we are given a second episode with Candy so we can get her story. I think that it's just a lot of fun! And like you... I really love Candy as a character as well. I think she's adorable. :) I love that we see in the flashbacks just how Lucifer is feeling so devastated over having to leave Chloe back in the end of season two's episode... A Good Day to Die upon feeling like doing so is what is best for Chloe so that he can protect her and save her from himself, and I love how we see Lucifer talk with the bartender about having done so. More so... I love how Candy helps Lucifer in a time when he needs help from someone, who eventually brings Lucifer back home to Los Angeles and back to being close friends and partners with Chloe, which all leads into the events seen back in Candy Morningstar. I absolutely love these two episodes' connections very much! :) And now... I love how Lucifer returns to Vegas yet again to help Candy upon learning that she's missing, and that Ella comes to help him, knowing how much helping Candy means to him. And this is most certainly the only reason Lucifer leaves Chloe on her birthday. He doesn't want to hurt her, but he really cares about Candy and wants to make sure she's okay. Especially after Lucifer promised to help Candy, and fearing that he might not have helped her well enough to keep her safe. I absolutely love seeing how much Candy really does mean to him, because of all she's done for him. Especially since she was able to help him get back into Chloe's life and into her good graces after he had screwed up with her so badly. This whole storyline is just a lot of fun, especially when Lucifer sings Luck Be a Lady Tonight by Frank Sinatra, and seeing Ella pose as one of Vegas' showgirls, all in order to draw out the real person trying to kill Candy, and who comes to believe that he had succeeded in killing her when he had killed Candy's friend. I also love the reveal that it is the bartender seeking to steal the bar from Candy for the land on which the bar stands on. Now... I really love the big confrontation between Lucifer, Candy, and the bartender, when the killer bartender attempts to kill Lucifer for the deed as well upon learning he's married to Candy, and how Candy's reflections appear within all of the mirrors, allowing for Lucifer to play it off like she's a ghost who's come back to haunt her killer, until Ella finally appears as she shoots the bartender in the leg to protect Lucifer and Candy. Go Ella! This storyline is wonderful!!! I really love it!! Also... I truly love seeing Lucifer and Ella work together to help Candy, and seeing how much Ella really cares about Lucifer like he is a big brother for her. And I love learning more about Ella and her past too, and how she used to count cards until she was banned from this casino, which is why Ella is so nervous about returning to Las Vegas like she revealed to Chloe some time back. I love Ella's character development throughout this episode, and just simply how she quickly shakes off her fear of her past so she can be there for Lucifer when he needs her. Not just to help him with saving Candy, but also to help him with Chloe too. Ella is amazing! I love her!! Oh... and I would love to learn more about Ella's voices she tells Lucifer she longs to quiet, which is the reason for her having gotten caught up in counting cards in Vegas in the first place, and getting into trouble for doing so. And lastly... I really love how Chloe, Linda, and Dan celebrate Chloe's birthday together at Lucifer's penthouse, as they get drunk, mess around with Lucifer's things, and simply enjoy one another's company, while it's revealed just how much Chloe still deeply cares about Lucifer romantically, even though she still refuses to fully admit it... least of all to herself. It's clear how much she still cares about him from how jealous she is upon thinking he's in Vegas with some ravishing woman, like he often is every day even while at home because he doesn't think he and Chloe can be together, which of course Chloe doesn't know about, nor does she understand why Lucifer really broke things off between them. Lucifer is most definitely afraid to accept that Chloe could truly care about him like he longs for her to, without her feelings being a part of his father's supposed manipulations, and that they could be something more. Or rather... he's afraid that she doesn't care about him in this way, and won't ever because she could one day see him as a monster should she ever learn the truth about him really being the Devil. I think this is what he's afraid of the most, and it hurts him very deeply. It would pain him very deeply if Chloe were ever so deeply afraid of him. I just love how adorable Chloe, Linda, and Dan are while they're having fun together. It's adorable. I also love seeing Linda become impressed upon finding the original screenplay of Hamlet written by Shakespeare himself, with a note he wrote to Lucifer thanking Lucifer for the inspiration for Hamlet. Lucifer also talks to Ella about having known Hitler down in Hell upon admitting that Hitler was a talker, or screamer upon him being tortured. It's just really great learning about all of the historical figures and famous people Lucifer has met in his very, very long lifetime. I would love to see a backstory on Lucifer that shows us just who all he's met throughout history. Oh... and I love how Chloe attempts an impression of Lucifer by talking like him in a really bad English accent. So cute!! :) Overall... I really, really love this episode! So, thank you very much, dear friend!! Like always... I can't wait for more Lucifer from you to come!!! So, until then... Thank you once more! Sincerely, Heidi


Some info about season 3 of Lucifer. It was cancelled by Fox on season 3 and before Netflix picked it up they made two bonus episodes in case this is over. So episodes 25 and 26 are bonus episodes. Episode 26 can watch as last episode in the season, but episode 25 is connected to episode 6 you just watched (Ella voices and stuff she mentioned in episode 6) and it's happening before episode 23. If you watch it after episode 23-24 you will be confused, so I suggest to watch it before episode 23.


Ella's voices are explained in bonus episode 25 in this season.