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Hi guys! I have a website! It's still in the works but I have some things done and keep adding little by little, in case you wanna check it out

You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.





Christopher simeon

Now I don't blame conner for having the feelings that he has but your reactions to similar situations are always interesting to me. Spike was acting very similar to connor when he first got a crush on buffy in this situation and you seem to HATE the wesley sleeping with lila situation when buffy not to long ago was doing the same with Spike. (I am not making fun of you for it just making the observation) Connor has not had anyone in his life really so can you really blame him when the first person to show him real affection and is as beautiful as cordy becomes a part of his life. He was not socialized normally and this episode tells us how messed up fred was being in a dimension for 5 years so imagine your whole childhood with a crazy dad in another dimension. I feel sorry for connor and can not really blame him for how messed up he is(that does not mean i like his actions or personality)