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✮ www.soramiyano.com ✮

Hi guys! I have a website! It's still in the works but I have some things done and keep adding little by little, in case you wanna check it out

You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.


Hi guys! So my internet have been crap the past week or so, I've been trying to post my pixie dust reactions for like 2 days now lol hope you get to have them on Sunday but if I'm late, I'm really sorry! ;_;





Haha. You see Sora? You've dreamed about doing this reaction over a decade ago xD Answering few of your questions: - The marriage thing is their tradition, weird for you but normal for them. Their relationship is one of the main plots in the series for the first few seasons. - They weren't advanced because after the rebellion on Earth Ra forbid writing and reading, so they don't know their history, don't learn from past and don't rebel again. They didn't have a way to write their advancements either. - The person who played Ra is in fact a man, but he looks like he could be a female as well, or another alien kind of gender. I didn't know the answer for that question for a long time. - They didn't take them to Earth because this planet is their home and they've been living there for thousands of years. - You said that you want to know more about what happens after the movie, huh? Well, that's where the TV series come. It continues the story and starts one year after the events in the movie. Can't wait for you watching the pilot next month. I won't mind if you want to check it earlier 😉


Such a great movie, that lead into amazing TV series.