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Hi guys! Here's this week's schedule!

So starting this week I'll be adding 2 new shows to the full reactions tier: Classic Doctor Who and The Americans. The only one that goes to a different tier will be Classic Who. The Indian Camp tier is looking more and more like a rewatch tier so there's where its gonna go (?) I saw Classic Who when it was on Netflix years ago but it had many episodes missing and I dont remember much, I explain better in the reaction lol if you're interested will be up on Indian Camp starting this week. The Americans will be up on Mermaid Lagoon as the rest of the full reactions. If there's any doubt or comment you have please let me know!




And that is precisely why I put everywhere "read the tiers carefully" because as you say, i missed 2 movies this month but if you go to the tier it clearly says "the goal is one movie per week but sometimea things happen and I'll keep you posted" I'm sorry I can't pile the 2 movies on top of the work of the week because I'm the one spending 12+ hours without power. I'm the one editing the reactions. I'm the one doing everything around the house and I also have a tiny ass social life sometimes on Saturdays. And I'm also studying. If you don't like that i miss some stuff because LIFE HAPPENS and I'm a human being who, again, gets power outages every fucking day (today I've had 5 so far. And counting) then I'm really sorry. If you think i shouldn't add extra stuff to my schedule because life can happen again and I could be late, again, that's perfectly understandable but i will still do as i please. I'm sorry for not pleasing you 10000% but I'm not a robot, I'm a human being who gets sick outside of everything else going on in my life. I'm not a TV show or a talk show or anything like that and even they sometimes miss weeks when shit happens, like when the pandemic started, although talk shows usually ask another person to host but i can't do that, again I'm just me behind a computer and no one else. I'm very sorry you feel negatively about my life crumbling to pieces more often than not but i can't do anything about it. Every tier specifies that shit can go wrong or straight up says i won't be posting that quickly like mermaid lagoon, i said id take breaks between seasons and stop posting for a while and I haven't done it, doesn't mean i won't. Again, sorry but that's just how it is. Im not a robot and I don't have the easiest of lives. Just because I share some stuff with you doesn't mean you know what's going on behind closed doors, i don't share every single detail because I don't feel it necessary. It's my life and I will let you know when something goes wrong but if I don't want to give you the details, i won't. That being said, have a nice day

Christopher simeon

Ok so you may have missed the point of what i wrote. Changing your format is the suggestion. Less of a weekly format that leaves little room to adjust and sets too much expectations. For example if you were to say 3 buffy in august. Nobody would expect 4 and with no set schedule you could post them all at once or on the last day of july. I do not need any details of your life but again you seem to also expect to much from your patrons. We all are here for a reason. You are doing this for a reason. One of the people i follow literally had a hysterotomy and we understood and we did not expect reactions and she had back up reactions because she does not expect things to just continue for free. I am suggesting a change that would possibly help you and you see it as a negative opinion of how you do things but that is not my intention. It is just a opinion. I am not demanding more movies. I am trying to suggest an option where that problem will never happen again.


Personalmente yo estoy super conforme con tu canal, es re entendible que a veces las cosas no salgan como uno espera, y que la vida presente dificultades (entiendo especialmente las trabas de vivir en el tercer mundo <3 ). A diferencia de otros canales, en patreon estás casi una temporada adelante de youtube -por lo menos en Buffy que es por lo que yo estoy acá-, lo cual es un montón y tus reacciones siempre son las más divertidas. En fin, sólo quería dejar una cuota de buena onda después de leer lo de arriba 😑 Que tengas lindo día!


Ainsss 🥺🥺🥺 muchísimas gracias. De pana admito que si me dejo un chin triste el comentario del que te conté. Yo siento que de verdad me esfuerzo mucho por seguir mi horario al pie de la letra pero a veces simplemente no puedo hacer más. Creo que es gente que... Simplemente no entiende lo que es que se te vaya el internet random, la luz, que cosas tercermundistas pasen porque 22 años en dictadura comunista 😂 a demás de otros factores como salud etc... Pero como lo explica uno, todo suena demasiado a excusa "uy si, se te fue la luz 5 días" si, MMG, la verdad si se me fue la luz 5 días como hago 😂 o cuando estuve 1 semana sin internet y la compañía no quería resolver. En fin... Yo seguiré dando lo mejor de mi, lamento tener que ignorar su solución de "bueno si no pudiste está semana agregalo a la semana que viene" como si yo solo hiciera 1 programa o las películas y ya... Pero pues, toca ignorar. Gracias por tu comentario de verdad 🥺