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Hi guys!! here's my reaction to episode 9, hope you enjoy!!



Firefly Reaction S01E09 Ariel.mkv



I think Mal let Jayne live because he realizes that Jayne was actually very loyal to Mal. Jayne just didn't see turning in Simon and River as a betrayal of Mal. Jayne did not turn on Mal - not in his own mind. Not only was Jayne truly remorseful when he realized he had betrayed Mal, but he also regretted having betrayed Simon and River. He hadn't acted only for money, but because of his emotions. He saw Simon as a rival for Kaylee's affections, and River had just stabbed him. Further, Jayne never agreed with Mal that taking in Simon and River was a worthwhile risk. Remember in "The Train Job" Jayne told Kaylee that Mal had plans for Simon and River. He was projecting his own feelings onto Mal, and figuring Mal must have some plan for making a profit off of them, and of course Jayne also wanted Kaylee not to get too attached to Simon. Then in "Bushwacked" when Mal ordered Simon to get his sister, Jayne thought (as Simon did) that Mal intended to turn them in. Jayne wasn't stupid - he knew right away that Simon and River were a huge risk to have on board - so he thought his plan to get rid of them would actually be the best thing for all of those he considered to be ''crew," but then Mal made it crystal clear that Simon and River were to be considered ''crew'' and at that point Mal no longer figured Jayne would do anything like that again. Not only because Jayne was loyal to Mal, but also because Jayne had realized that he could not trust The Alliance to make good on anything they might offer as a reward. Like the characters themselves, their motives and understandings were complex - and Mal made a judgment call that Jayne could now be trusted again. Jayne was not stupid, and not untrustworthy, he was emotional, impulsive, and ignorant - but Jayne was extremely loyal to both Mal and Kaylee.