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Guys... I'm broken ToT I didnt want this season to end!



Outlander FULL Reaction S05E12 Never My Love.mp4


Maja Gruszka

I'd say I love your reaction, but that wouldn't be quite true, as I don't enjoy seeing people suffer. This was a hard episode to watch, though there were happy moments there, too. For instance, I legit yelled and clapped when it turned out Bree, Roger and Jemmy didn't in fact leave. The thing with the stones is that apparently if you concentrate on a person or a place, they are likely to take you there. So if Bree and Roger were thinking about home, that's where they ended up. Man, now we only need to wait about 2 years for the new season :/


You have to remember that Bree knows what Claire is going through... when she was raped all she wanted was to be left alone. So she used the same words Lizzie said to her. It was a great call back.


Yeah but what if Claire doesnt feel the same as Bree did? besides she got raped multiple times by multiple people. I'm not comparing my personal experiences to what Claire went through mine was closer to what Bree went through and I didnt wanna talk about it but didnt wanna be left alone either. Of course, I didnt openly tell anyone until like 2 years later so its not like anyone knew what I wanted lol but I remember not wanting to be alone


I still remember the song and tear up. Honestly Outlander is the best... T_T Yeah, I'm glad Bree and Roger stayed! Waiting 2 years for net season is going to be terrible... I've never re watched the show fully, only a few episodes that I really liked (definitely not the ones I cried the most with lol) so I think I might give it a re watch hahaha