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Hi!! Here's my reaction to episode 9, hope you enjoy!!



Star Trek Reaction S01E09.mp4



The reason why Miri's World was so surprising was that it was an exact duplicate of Earth, not just Earth-like. Astronomers have actually discovered several Earth-sized planets including one in Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our solar system. I agree with you that it's only a matter of time before we find life on another world, although it's unlikely they'll be humans. There are several candidates in our own system that are candidates for life: Mars, Europa (a moon of Jupiter), Titan and Enceladus (both moons of Saturn), Triton (a moon of Neptune), and Pluto. The sets for this episode were re-used from The Andy Griffith Show, although I'm sure you've never heard of that one lol. I know if the signal you're referring to, it's a radio signal from a spiral galaxy 500 million light-years away. A lot of things could be causing it, my money is on a star in that galaxy. It's not the first time we've seen a Fast Radio Burst (FRB), we've seen about fifty total, but we've never seen one with such a regular repeating pattern. Even if the signal is someone trying to contact us, realize that the signal was sent 500 million years ago, so it's been awhile. I keep telling you that I'm The Doctor, but I'm not taking you away until either you finish watching Star Trek or you learn quantum mechanics, whichever happens first lol. You're right about Dr. McCoy, he's many things, but a fighter is definitely not one of them. I'm thinking this episode scared you more than The Descent lol. Receiving the wrong blood can make you sick at the least, and potentially kill you if you recieve too much so a transfusion from Spock would not help in the slightest. Jahn was played by the late Michael J. Pollard. Even though Jahn was 15 in the script, Pollard was really 27.


Miri is the same age as Jahn, but girls typically hit puberty faster than boys which is why Miri shows signs of the disease, but Jahn doesn't. The security guards also had the disease. The lesions were simply under the uniform. In reality, they just didn't feel like wasting the money putting them on the security officer when you only saw him for about a minute. Realize that it took them almost all seven days just to develop the vaccine. Even if they had developed it earlier, Kirk would never have allowed anyone but himself to try the vaccine without knowing if it could cure or kill. Grace Lee Whitney's (Rand) two sons were the boys helping Jahn steal the communicators. Both of Shatner's daughters were Onlies as well, including the one he carries near the end of the episode. Great job on spotting the similarities to Peter Pan, although I shouldn't be surprised that you of all people noticed it. The original script actually described Jahn and Miri as Peter and Wendy. I'm genuinely shocked and pleased that you've enjoyed every episode as much as you have. Usually there's a couple by this point that some people, myself included, don't like. As always, thank you for being willing to react to this show, and I look forward to seeing your next reaction.