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Hi guys!! Here's my full reaction to episode 11,hope you enjoy!!



Lost FULL Reaction S06E11.mp4



Penny is older than Daniel I'm about 99% positive about this. Idk where I got this info but I've seen the show in full about 6 times so there's that...lol

Andrew Manford

There is no where that the show indicates who is older of the two half-siblings. Seen the show about 20 times in full since it first aired. If you can show me where it says that I would love to know. kthxbai

Andrew Manford

I just checked on Lostpedia. Under Charles Widmore's bio it does say for his timeline that Daniel was born latest 1978 and 'years later' he father's Penny off-island. It's pretty hidden information and really does not have much to do with the story as a whole. Pretty great that even 10 years later this show can still be talked about and puzzled together! :D Namaste, and good-luck.