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Hi guys!!

Here's  my full reaction to episode 16, hope you enjoy!!



Lost Full Reaction S05E16.mp4


David Caine

Not that IMDBs scores count for more than popularity, but LOST's last episode rates an 8.2, while those other meme shows are in the 4s. Breaking Bad is the only show I liked equally with LOST, I needed to fill the void after LOST ended, and it did with its last episode rating a 9.9. The Shield is 9.2, The Wire is 8.8, The Sopranos 9.1. LOST's finale is in no way "bad." Back then, the LOST finale it seemed split the fanbase in half, half loving it, half disappointed. Now in online discussions many, many more seem to like it, especially in Youtube. Depends on what they expected, but the show up to now does not spoon feed answers, it leaves clues and wants the viewer to put it together and derive meaning. It's all there, but everyone has their own opinion. It's one of the most satisfying finales, for me the most satisfying, with some of the best character moments of the series. It's certainly my favorite finale of any show, with more heart, with more scenes I love revisiting.