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Hi guys!!

Here's this week's schedule! I'm sorry I didnt post it yesterday, I totally forgot.

On a more sad note I need to share this with you because the world needs to know!

So the militaries killed a Pemon girl (Pemon is a native tribe here in Venezuela) so the Pemones took one of them hostage. I was happy when I heard that because there are not many Pemones left, probably like 150 and I freaking LOVE my native tribes! So yay for revenge but now the president ordered to kill them all and I'm so freaking scared! They're gonna extinguish a WHOLE TRIBE, they could even kill more tribes and there are not many natives left in the freaking tribes! What pisses me off the MOST! Is that the president (the usurper, no the interim president) IS NOT EVEN VENEZUELAN so he ordered to kill people who was here BEFORE US and who belong here even more than us, specially more than him because again he's not even Venezuelan! And he also ordered they bring the interim president (the one chosen by the people, by US) dead so him and his family had to leave the country. Some people are very sad and negative because it feels like nothing is going to happen, that we're not gonna be free any time soon... but I hope not. I hope we get help before the Pemones and the other tribes get in more danger...

Anyways, spread the word to your socialist neighbor who doesnt support the help we're getting because shit is real, very very real.

Thank you for reading! Now back to our usual happy schedule haha

Edit: So because I couldnt post much last week I'm posting 5 Lost episodes this week and 5 AoS episodes next week!



Christopher simeon

Good news is next week when you do Shield reaction you’ll be watching 8,9,10,11,12. Those episodes are crazy and I think 8 is the full reaction 😝


Those episode were CRAAAAZYYY omg hahaha but I wont say much until I have all of the reactions ready! and no :( full episodes are 15,18,20,21,22 Dx sorry


Wow. I'm very sorry to hear all that Sora. Very scary situation.