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Hey!! So I was very, very upset about losing the outlander footage, I feel like it was such an important part and so I went out with a friend and we found this little baby in the sewer. She/he's really REALLY dirty and in don't really have anything to give him/her but if you follow me on my social media you know I've been wanting to adopt a cat for a while so maybe it was destiny?? Lol as I said right now I don't have anything to give him/her. I borrowed some sand from a friend and I'm feeding it bred soaked in water. I think it's a she so we're gonna call her "she" lol she was very upset when I brought her but right after I fed her she started to purr so loud and wants so much love my heart melted. I think I'm gonna keep her, although I wanted a male cat to name "Floki" I'm really liking this baby. My brother already wants to sleep with her but she's miiine hahaha I thought I should share this with you soon you'd love her as well haha I'm gonna bathe her tomorrow when there's sun because she really is that dirty lol but for now I'm gonna go because she's meowing sooo hard I don't know what she wants Dx thanks for reading!!



Calculatus Eliminatus

I'm sorry that I forget how fortunate and spoiled I am sometimes. I can just go to Walmart (a mile away) and there will be a 30 foot section of dry cat food and another 30 foot section of wet cat food. And there are at least 6 more stores just like that within a five minute drive. Truly, I wish you and your kitten all the best. Extra dash of pixie dust sent.


It's ok!! We will have it better soon, I know, I have hope hahaha there's dry and wet cat food here also but it's kinda expensive and hard to find, still I'm gonna give her the best I can, you can count on that! Thank you for the pixie dust! 💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖

Maja Gruszka

I have raised and bottle-fed five kittens in all. If she's old enough to know how to eat by herself, she'll be fine. You could try giving her something else. We found my cat, his mother and siblings and fed the mother, didn't even thing of bringing something special for the kittens, as they had their mother to feed them. But they were only a few weeks old when they started eating the raw meat we brought the mum. They were like miniature lions lol Still, a cat's (and especially a kitten's) digestive system is very sensitive. I gave one kitten the blazing shits (to quote Outlander :P) once, by giving her too much cat food (instead of the kitten milk) too soon. I'm not a huge expert, but I'd say meat (even raw meat) is safer than most cat food that can be found in a supermarket). But most of all, thank you for taking her! My heart hurts at the thought of all of the homeless animals out there, and it makes me so happy to think that this little one will have a home :)


I bought her dry and wet cat food today! And a toy lol there are plenty of animals on the streets here, people abandon them because they can no longer feed them, sometimes we see old dogs looking for their house like crazy :/ I still don't understand how some people would do that. If i dont have enough money to get my dogs (or cat now) food I'll share mine! They're family :/ and we believe this kitten (still no name haha) was thrown there :/ I'm glad my mom likes her because I was gonna keep her even if she said no hahaha