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Hey guys! So... there's not going to be a the punisher episode this Thursday. I film the punisher on Monday but today was such a BAD day. Like woke up and filmed my FTWD reaction, one of the footage was broken, as it happens sometimes with my camera, then had ands blackout. Then went out because I was gonna go crazy if I knew I had to film but couldn't cause no power. Came back and had to rush my dog to the veterinary (she's ok now, I have to take her again tomorrow for another 2 shots but that's another story) then finally sat down to film, was halfway through episode 3 of the punisher and had another blackout, my laptop's battery isn't working so everything turned off and is lost the recording I had and at this point I'm this close 👌 to burning my own house down 😂 so I think I'll finish the episode when the power gets back and I'll skip episode 3 reaction. I'm really sorry 😭 can't promise this wont happen again cause we've been having a lot of blackouts lately but my days wont be as stressful again, I hope. Sorry again 😭 P.s: could you guys remind me, by the time I release the punisher in my youtube channel, that episode 3 doesn't exist? 😂 cause I can totally see myself losing it because "I remember watching the episode so where is it?!" 😂