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Hey guys! Don't forget to tell me which 5 episodes of season 2 you would like extended. Not episode 1 since I already filmed and edited x.x; usually I film Tuesdays episodes on Friday and Fridays episodes on Tuesday so I already filmed next Tuesday's episodes so let me know before Tuesday which 5 episodes you want extended reactions for this season 💜


Kristin Carter

So many good ones it's hard to choose ... but definitely 23 and 24

David Caine

Yep 23 Live together, die alone (part 1). 24 Live together, die alone (part 2). 10 The 23 psalm. 3 Orientation. 7 The Other 48 days. Too many good ones to choose from, too hard.


You guys are gonna have to discuss it and pick 5 because you picked a few different than Victor did 😂 I can't help you guys pick because I haven't watch them, obviously hahaha