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Hey guys! I CANT BELIEVE WE'RE HERE! I'm so excited ToT




Maja Gruszka

OMG all the feels in this episode. I was so pleasantly surprised it went so far. I thought it would end with Claire in the taxi. Then I thought it would end wqith the bell ringing. But it went on and on and I kept holding my breath and my heart was pounding just like you described. And the ending was perfect to break this huge tension. It would have been so great if Bree and Roger went with Claire, but alas, it wasn't to be. I've no idea why they'd choose to stay, their lives seem so boring and they don't have any family left in the 20th century. I'm glad they have each other at least. Man, the way Roger was looking at her! The boy is so in love, it's the cutest thing ever. Anyway, loved your reaction and can't wait for the next one. You'll need lots of booze and lots of tissues :)


I'll have the booze ready! hahaha YEAH I thought it was gonna end with the door opening but nope. I hope Jamie isnt married again because that's gonna be AWKWARD as hell hahahahahah I hope Bree and Roger go back in the future xD at least when Bree's money runs out(?) hahahahaha because we both know she's not gonna work, or at least that's what I feel like xD

Samara FFernandes

Heeey! First of all, best reaction ever! I laughed and screamed with you all over again watching Claire going back to the past. About Bree going back as well...I mean...it's not that simple and like Claire said, there's no guarantee, it's not like an elevator, people may die trying to travel and Claire doesn't know the safer way to travel as Geillis knew for example. I really wanted them to go with Claire as well..let's see what future can bring to us... About the skull that Claire described and Joe was shocked for it, you didn't miss anything it'll be revealed later on this season. Sometimes we need to count to situate ourselves in this show hahaha own experience here. Here's the Inside again if you wanna know some bts details: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSWzXrdmVIg&index=5&list=PL9FTdU5pWz_XpE8r-sYnSzFnaa0S_8yQw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSWzXrdmVIg&index=5&list=PL9FTdU5pWz_XpE8r-sYnSzFnaa0S_8yQw</a> I'm so excited for the next episode!! Last year when the show was out we were having Outlander every week but Their Reunion they skipped a week, they left us waiting TWO WEEKS, it was literally a Sunday without Outlander no episode nothing!..I (and the entire fandom) almost died..really! But prepare yourself it's an extended ep I think 74minutes OMG definitely you'll need something strong and so do I to see all over again and cry again. I knew what was coming but wasn't prepare to see something so beautiful and so loyal to the book you know I could see myself reading once more..anyways...I already talked too much #excited jajaja besos


Thank you for the behind the scenes! I hope the booze that I have left over from episode 4 is enough for episode 6 xD if not, I'll buy something this week. The way you speak about Outlander makes me love it even more! I love it when people are passionate about something that I'm also passionate about hahaha not like I dont like when people are passionate about something I'm not, you know what I mean xD I learn so much with your comments about history and behind the scenes and things I dont understand so thank you so much!!