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Hey guys!! Here's episode 2! Again: I miss season 1 ToT



Outlander Reaction S03E02 Surrender .avi


Maja Gruszka

Today I'm prepared, I've taken notes! :D Fergus can't be wearing a kilt. Kilts were banned after Culloden, that's why no one at Lallybroch wears them. Yes, I also think Jamie should shave his head. He's known for his read hair, what's the point of the hat if he's just going to go around with his Goldilocks mane down to his butt? Lol at you hoping Claire was having a nightmare.Man, I wish I had nightmares like that haha. As for Fergus being Jamie and Claire's son, I've thought about it like he's the cat I picked up from the street. I haven't formally adopted him or (obviously) given birth to him, but he's still my baby. Does it make sense? That's what people did in those days. You could literally go to an orphanage and take an orphan home with you, like they did in Anne of Green Gables. There are more rules and regulations for adopting pets from shelters today than there were for human children back then. I actually liked the scene with Jamie and Mary. It was very sad and sweet. They both needed a bit of tenderness. I'm glad we didn't see it in detail, though, but then again, it wasn't necessary. Claire is still wearing both rings, because she's a very loyal woman. She wouldn't take off Frank's ring and won't take off Jamie's. Props to Frank for being okay with it. And finally: when are they going to get back together??? I know when and I know how it happens and what happens next, but I'm feeling impatient, too, as I watch the show with you. I hope the reunion will be worth the wait :)

Samara FFernandes

Adding to what Maya said in the other comment, after Culloden everything from Scottish culture was banned as we can also see or hear in the intro we don't have the bagpipes anymore 😭 a lot of them died starving or went to other countries as America trying a new life. It was so hard to read Jamie's parts/chapters after Culloden. He really lived as a beast in that cave and there's also a story (dunno if it's just a tale or accurate information) that a man lived in a cave as well after the battle, they called him Dunbonnet and DG decided to put it in Outlander as well...hahaha again a loooot of history. Fans call her a genius. I have to agree she's so intelligent!


I didnt know about the Kilts, they're ok to wear them now right? (as in 2018 xD) becaus I've seen a lot of actors wear them (and they look SO FIIIIINE). Right?! He should just shave! Of course it would bring suspisious like whi is this man shaved?! but they dont really know Jamie's face so whatever! hahaha It totally makes sense, yes. As I said its the vibe I get with the whole Fergus living with them now xD I do want to adopt him though, like I dont like kids and I said a million times I dont want to have kids but since Fergus I opened my mind a little about adopting (instead of giving birth) I dont know why x'D I'm glad Frank isnt a mean husband, there used to be a lot of bad husbands back in the day x_x and still, but not so much because equality and shit xD I CANT WAIT FOR THEM TO GET BACK TOGETHEEEER thank you so much for watching this show with me :') it really means the world to share this love with ssomeone x'D


Seriously though teach me some Scotland history! We need to plan a trip to Scotland girl, we owe this to our Outlander lovers hearts hahahah with my economy though its gonna take some time so from here to when I'm 50 I think I will have enough money x'D