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Hey guys!! 

The upload got cancelled like 4 times because the internet have been crap today x_x; but its finally up!! Hope you enjoy!

Here's the link just in case



Agents of Shield Extended Reaction S01E14 T.A.H.I.T.I.avi


Christopher simeon

Thanks for the extended reaction. All you need to know right now is that it is a blue alien. There are many blue aliens in the marvel universe but you will find out eventually. Also fury was an the show in ep 2 of this season after credit scene remember.

Christopher simeon

I’ve been meaning to ask you since your half way through the season can u rate the main character for most to least like


Is it Loki's cousin?!(?) Was he? I don't remember. Maybe I didn't see that scene x.x;


That's a tough one hahha people will probably disagree with me. Here or in a video? XD