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Every time I have to make an update like this I get super nervous and feel like a failure, I feel like I'm about to tell my mom I failed something super important hahaha so I definitely realized that making extended reactions to everything is just the hardest thing ever. Like you haven't gotten an extended reaction since around Wednesday or so because I haven't even been able to export them yet (my laptop really is a mess) I know I can do it, I'm sure, I just need to organize myself better but I think I'm gonna have to put some shows on hold. I've been thinking a lot about it lately and if I want to make extended reactions I can't film/edit/post 2 videos per day, it's just too hard for my baby (laptop), it over heats and turns off suddenly so the shows I'm thinking in putting on hold are Riverdale (I think I'm just gonna watch that on my own and tweet about it), Black Mirror is already on hold, Doctor who and Torchwood (which you guys know I love these shows but it's just until I figure things out and organize a better schedule, I'm definitely not watching these shows without you) Westworld is almost done so the new schedule would be something like Monday-Outlander, Tuesday-AoS, Wednesday-Vikings, Thursday-Lost, Friday-Sense8, and Sat/Sun Skull Rock. Now the thing I really wanted to talk about and I've been rambling just to avoid is I don't know if this next week I'm gonna be able to film because I had my hair done yesterday which should be an exciting thing right? Been planning to touch up my roots and dye it purple again for weeks now but my smart self decided to buy some cheap ass dye and now I look like bird poop meets smurf barf 😂 (always remember: cheap is expensive!) I look really awful and I hate it I can't film like this I feel so not confident hahahah I haven't been able to look at my family in the eye because I just can read in their eyes how bad it is 😂 so I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with this mess in the next couple of days, it won't take long because I startle myself when I look at my reflection, I'm not gonna be able to stand that for any longer 😂 so in the mean the videos I still haven't exported (which I think are sense8, Lost, Doctor Who and Skull Rock) I'm gonna export them and post them this week, I'm sorry 😣 also torchwood episode 10 I filmed with my mom's camera and all the footage is bad so no reaction to that one :( I really am sorry about this you guys know I try to do my best 😂 or at least I hope you do. So this next week Hangman's tree will still get episodes and next next week for Neverland and youtube but Pirate Cove just the ones I'm late on. Next next week there will be no early access on Hangman's Tree and the week after that no reaction on youtube/Neverland (at least not the first days of the week) just because this smurf barf won't be able to film for a few days. Hope you guys understand 💜 thank you for reading



Fernando Zepeda

I've never heard of "Bird Poop meets Smurf Barf"...will you be reacting to it soon?

Christopher simeon

Don’t worry about extended every week just the big episodes maybe