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Hey! Just came to change things again 😂😂 why am I like this? Well, one of you guys asked for extended reactions for Agents of Shield and I said I couldn't do extended reactions for all of the episodes but I've been thinking about it and I think I'm gonna do it xD so I wanted to ask who else wants extended reactions and for which show? I have limited space to post the episodes but I'll figure something out. This is for Pirate Cove up (?) I don't say full reaction because my cameras (I film with 3 cameras so I can get done more in a day 😂 which is why the quality changes in some videos) stop filming one after 11 minutes, another one after 20 minutes and the other one after 29 minutes and sometimes the footage is broken (not all the time) so I can miss some parts of the episodes but the extended reactions are as extended as I can make them, trust me 😂 also you'll get those extended reactions a week earlier than the early access on Hangman's Tree. I don't know if I'm explaining myself x.x; should I make a video about this? Let me guys know which show you want extended reaction of and I'll start doing it starting on Monday! :) I may make a video about this later hahaha anyways let me know!



Ari is my Cat

Also season 2 episode 12 of Torchwood. So much happens in that so an extended reaction seems right for it.

Fernando Zepeda

The Exorcist 😢, Game of Thrones, Skull Rock & Vikings. I got excited for a sec, when I saw Shield. Until I realized it had Agents in front of it...lol. One of the best shows of ALL TIME is FX's very own - The Shield -. This show opened the door for SOA, Breaking Bad, etc.